My Friend

My friend and I are different
Our lives do not compare
I try to lead an upright life
And he just doesn’t care
I’m allied with The Saviour
The devil is his mate
It’s difficult to live with him
It leaves me in a state.

I try to cling on like a leech
Behaving like a son
Then my friend begins to sin
He’s happy when he’s won
Like a game of tug of war
We saunter back and fro
Help me Lord to shed my friend
I’d love to let him go.

A Christian poem by: Mike Bullock

3 thoughts on “My Friend”

  1. If you have another side in you, one that wants to sin. I recommend you get baptized. The old self will die, and you rise up with Christ. You will no longer have the will to sin. It is not just symbolic this is a real thing, a real change. look up last reformation and Torben to get more teachings about the subject. It is the difference of living in Romans 7 and Romans 8. The latter one is were you should be.

  2. What you feed one, the other will weaken. It is better to feed the one that has a happy story. Spirit will take you away, far away to a better country New, clean, and beautiful to be with the One that had you all the time. Jesus my God.

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