His Birth

The story of Christmas begins with a birth
The life of God come down to this earth.
The compassion of God for the lostness of man
Revealed in a child of incomparable worth.

His birth by a virgin, a miracle indeed
From royal lineage and Abraham’s seed.
The proto-gospel fullfilled in the One
Who bruised the serpent; his captives He freed.

A Child, a small, small Child, a blessing true;
The prophets and shepherds and magi viewed
This One who came, Glory and Grace,
Bringing hope to this world, and all things new.

Instead of hatred, He brought us God’s love;
Instead of death, life from above;
Instead of aloneness, unity;
And left us His promise, a beautiful Dove.

And with His birth, we saw Eden again;
The flaming sword gone, the freedom from sin,
The friendship of heaven and all that is right
Wrapped in a wee package, humanity’s skin.

A Christian poem by:  Tim Binder

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