His Feet

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that made His little face glow when His mother tickled His tiny little toes.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
which at the age of twelve made Him to stand before those who were educated extremely well.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that stepped into the Jordan River carried our souls’ deliverer.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that stood atop a mountain high and proclaimed the Kingdom of Heaven is nigh.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that treaded across countless miles bringing hope, healing, happiness, and smiles.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that traveled over sand, rocks, and dirt carrying comfort and love to all those that hurt.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that gently bent a blade of grass are the very feet that delivers from the guilt of the past.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that didn’t run when His accusers approached but held fast His stand in spite of every stroke.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that marched up Golgotha’s hill fulfilled God’s purpose and will.

His feet, oh those beautiful that
were nailed to the cross just so I would not be lost.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
stepped over into captivity and led the captives free.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that walked out of a borrowed tomb also walked through the locked doors of an upper room.

His feet, oh those beautiful feet
that crushed the curse of sin will one day step on earth again, judging all history forever reigning in eternal victory.

Oh to sit at His feet, yes those beautiful feet
is where I want to be worshipping God for all eternity.

A Christian poem by:  District Elder M.L. Maughmer, Jr.

One thought on “His Feet”

  1. Thank you for this beautiful poem.
    It is exactly what we need for a reflection before communion at our upcoming women’s event.
    Our theme is “Beautiful Feet”
    May God bless you as you share your writing gift.

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