
There is a man.
He is fully God and fully human.
I know him.
He is called Jesus;
The lion and the lamb.

He is risen, reigning,
and reminds us of his everlasting love.

He died on the cross for my sins
He was buried in a tomb
Then the stone rolled back
There was a loud rumble
An angel appeared
Where is he?
He is gone. He has risen!

The clouds wrapped around him
As he ascended into heaven
He sits with God
He is home.

One day I will die.
I will sit with God the Father and God the Son.
I will be free of pain.
I will be free of temptation.
I will be free of sin.
I will be free of Satan’s lies.
I will live forever.
I will be home.

A Christian poem by:  Claire M.

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