
For years I’ve searched
For perfect ways
To reach Your throne of grace
I’ve strived and strained
Read loads of books
So I would see Your face
The bibles, I have plenty
All kinds of different versions
But everything is easier
Than long, drawn out, excursions.

My prayer life, just like a list
Expounded every morning
You knew the way that they would go
You must have found them boring
My formula was oh so good
I thought they reached the parts
Just like the beer, they brought You cheer
Like fiery little darts.

But now I have the notion
That I must try much harder
Cast off my jacket that is straight
Start filling up the larder
Bible study is a must
So You I get to know
I need a deep relationship
So that our love will grow.

A Christian poem by:  Mike Bullock

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