The Miracles of Jesus – In a Poem

Jesus Christ was born in the meridian of time (Luke 2:7)
Performing miracles that were miraculous and divine
He took six pots full of water and turned them into wine (John 2: 1-11)
He cast out devils and sent them into a herd of swine (Matthew 8:28-34)(Mark 5:1-15)(Luke 8:27-39)
Jesus took and blessed the two small fish and five loaves of bread (Matthew 14:14-21)(Mark 6:30-44)
From which a multitude of five thousand people were fed (Luke 9:10-17)(St. John 6:1-14)
He said unto one with the palsy, “Arise and take up thy bed” (Matthew 9:2-7)
Immediately he arose and obeyed the words Jesus said (Mark 2:3-12)(Luke 5:18-26)
At Jesus’s word, Simon Peter let the nets down from his ship (Luke 5:4-11)
And so great were the multitude of fish, it caused their nets to rip
Simon was astounded at the overwhelming site
For they had caught nothing after toiling the night
When the disciples were caught in a storm, fearing they would die (Mark 6:47-52) (Matthew 14:22-32)
Jesus walked upon the sea saying, “Be not afraid it is I” (John 6:16-21)
On another day a great storm arose when Jesus was asleep
The disciples became fearful that they would drown into the deep
They awoke their Master saying, “We perish, Lord save us!” (Luke 8:22-25)
Jesus said, “O ye of little faith?” For their lack of trust (Matthew 8:23-27)
After rebuking the wind He said, “Peace, be still” unto the seas (Mark 4:37-41)
The wind ceased, and there was a great calm as He put the storm at ease
A certain nobleman found Jesus and besought Him to come down (John 4:46-54)
To Capernaum where his son at the point of death would be found
“Go thy way thy son liveth,” Jesus responded to his plea
The man believed, and went his way from Cana of Galilee
The servants of the nobleman met him, and told him of the hour
When his son’s fever had left, by Jesus’s miraculous power
“Damsel I say unto thee arise,” were the words Jesus said (Mark 5:21-43)
As he raised Jairus’s twelve-year-old daughter from the dead (Matthew 9:18-26)
Her spirit heeded the beckoning of the Savior’s call (Luke 8:40-56)
The girl arose and walked to the astonishment of all
Jesus healed a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years (Luke 13:10-17)
“Woman thou art loosed from thy infirmity,” sounded in her ears
As He laid His hands on her, His healing power was revealed
The woman was made straight, and glorified God for being healed
As great multitudes followed Jesus, a leper came on the scene
Worshipping Jesus asking, “Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean” (Matthew 8:1-4)
Jesus healed the man’s leprosy as He touched him with His hand (Mark 1:40-44)
Afterwards Jesus saith unto him, “See thou tell no man” (Luke 5:12-14)
Through a crowd a woman touched Jesus’s clothes, and was made whole (Mark 5:25-34)
From a blood disease of twelve years that had taken a great toll (Luke 8:43-48)(Matthew 9 20-22)
“Who touched me?” Jesus asked, “I perceive virtue has gone out of me”
The healed woman confessed, and came forth from the crowd for Him to see
A dead man was carried to the gates of the city of Nain (Luke 7:11-17)
He was a widow’s only son, causing her much grief and pain
Jesus touched the bier and said, “Young man I say unto thee arise”
The young man stood up and began speaking before all their eyes
Through the mists of the coasts as Jesus walked from beach to beach
He healed a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech
Jesus took the man aside, and put His fingers in each ear
He spit, touched his tongue, and said, “Be opened,” and the man could hear (Mark 7:31-37)
And the string of his tongue was loosed, so the deaf man could speak plain
All were astonished He could relieve the man’s impeding pain
A man that was born blind was healed on the Sabbath day (John 9: 1-41)
Jesus spat on the ground and from the spittle made clay
He took the clay and anointed the deprived man’s eyes
The man went and washed, and for the first time saw the skies
Jesus told them to remove the stone from where a dead man had been laid (John 11:1-44)
Then lifting up His eyes, thanked His Father for hearing Him as he prayed
With a loud voice he commanded the dead to come forth from the grave
And Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha, came forth from the cave
A phenomenal miracle, for he had been dead four days
And many of the Jews believed on Jesus and gave God praise
Jesus healed divers diseases and went about doing good (Mark 1:34)(Matthew 9:35)(Acts 10:38)
Some recognized his divine mission, but most misunderstood
That He was the Son of God, sent from Heaven to the Earth (John 3:16)
The only sinless man to His death and from His birth (Hebrews 4:15)(1 Peter 2:22)
Jesus went into a garden, and there suffered for mankind (Mark 14:32-41)
Bleeding from every pore, suffering in spirit, body, and mind (Luke 22: 41-44)
Fulfilling His Father’s will and drinking the bitter cup (St. Matthew 26:36-44)
Being betrayed, beaten, scourged, crucified, and lifted up (Matthew 27: 1-50)
He trembled with pain, suffering anguish for our sins as He bled (Matthew 27:45-46)
After three days His greatest miracle, rising from the dead (John 20:11-17)
Breaking the bands of death, whereby all will live again when they die (Job 14:14)
Satisfying justice, giving Himself ransom for you and I (1 Timothy 1:6)

A Christian poem by: Chris Warren

5 thoughts on “The Miracles of Jesus – In a Poem”

  1. A lovely poem. The ladies of Bolsover Methodist Church are celebrating the 70th anniversary of their Ladies Fellowship on April 25th. They have chosen for their theme ‘ Tell me the stories of Jesus’. This poem totally fits our theme and for this reason we would like to use it. I note their is copyright .would we be able to use this?. I look forward to your response. Blessings. Cath

  2. Contact details for Chris Warren please. Love this poem &is ideal for our Ladies Fellowship 70th Anniversary in April.

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