My Mom

I’m so thankful that God made you my mom
As you behold the face of our Jesus will you let him know
I can’t wait to get to heaven and make my home up there
Mom, I would love to send you flowers
Though their fading glory could never compare
To the beautiful sights of Heaven
And your very own mansion up there
I never thought so much about Heaven until you went there, I am ashamed to say
As I have since you’ve gone home, to that place up there
I miss your arms of love down here
Although your heart on earth could take no more -— I’m sure now -— I long to see you there
You see this earthly home now seems more crazy here
Its glitter and glamor can no more impress me; I am still here and you are not
But I know Heaven is the place of God’s truest riches
Where our Father is, because He keeps all His children there
Since you turned and trusted in Jesus and led me to do the same
An amazing thing has taken place
Dwelling in the presence of Jesus now
In Heaven -— only because of His grace were you led there to that place
It’s your Best Mother’s Day in Heaven
With everlasting joy and peace up there
Pray for me here till we are reunited there
I know it will be beyond all I could ever compare
Thank you Jesus for loving my mom for just awhile then together soon
My Lord and my mom, I will be there soon because you showed me His love here
While you were here -— thank you Mom -— I’ll soon be there.

A Christian poem by:  Georgia Ann Edelman

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