Parable of the Fern and the Bamboo Tree

Faced many trials over and over again
Felt I’ve had enough and wanted to quit life’s game;
Went to the forest and to Him I cried
“Take me home, Jesus I WANT TO DIE”.

Over these years I’ve accomplished nothing great
Wanted to be the best no matter what it takes
But the harder I tried, the harder I’d fall
In spite of my efforts, I’ve seen nothing at all.

From deep within I heard a gentle voice
“My dearest Child, is that your final choice?
Look around and tell me, what do you see?”
Told Jesus there are beautiful ferns and a tall bamboo tree.

They are my creations too and I love them a lot
Planted them both and cared for them a lot
In no time the fern bloomed in all its glory
But as for the bamboo, it’s a different story.

The bamboo’s face could not be seen
For its seed was buried deep within.
Waste of manure people thought
Asked me to give up but I DID NOT.

Days became months and months and months became years
No trace of the bamboo I loved so dear
By now the fern had multiplied and grew all over again
And lived to see many generations that quickly came.

At last the bamboo’s face did show
People thought its growth rate was very slow
But before time began to pass
It became over 100 feet and surprised them at last.

What was it doing people wondered
It was busy growing roots under
I always knew how it would turn out to be
Its roots had to be very strong to support that tree.

Now the bamboo stands very tall
Making other trees feel very small
It always knew from where it came
Never fails to give glory to my name.

Now my dearest Child, do you still want to die?
I have been working on you, just give me one more try.
Don’t think you are barren because you are not
The seed I planted in you did not rot.
I see the roots the world can’t see
You’ll soon become that bamboo tree.

A Christian poem by:  Vinita

One thought on “Parable of the Fern and the Bamboo Tree”

  1. What a beautiful poem! I love it. Very inspirational. Thank you for writing it.

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