Paradise vs Pleasure

God forgive us when we leave your side
When we hop on that haunting black ride
Only to hop right back off again
Returning to you asking forgiveness of sin
It seems to be an ongoing routine
There’s still filth in our life Lord and we want to be clean
However these are choices that you give us to make
For Heaven’s sake . . . literally speaking
What is it that we’re actually seeking?
A life with you or a life of our own selfish desires
As we continue helping Satan stoke them fires
When will we recognize this and actually turn . . . for good
As we should . . . and I know we all mess up that’s very clear
But when we continue to do the same things over and over again it’s like we show no fear
No reverence for the one who made us
The one who said he’d never forsake us
The one who felt as though he was forsaken
Hanging on the cross after the beating he had taken
Lord give us eyes to see the flesh being torn from your body with each unforgiving strike
Lord gives us ears to hear your cries so that we may know what it was like
Lord give us a heart that will feel the excruciating pain that you willingly felt
Lord show us that we are those Romans carrying out the punishment dealt
Will we scoff at you as one did or will we ask that you remember our name?
When we make that decision to follow you Lord our lives should never be the same
Eternal paradise or temporary pleasure?
Which one do you really treasure?

A Christian poem by: Steve Howell

2 thoughts on “Paradise vs Pleasure”

  1. Love this poem. Truly this can change any individual who is so carried away by earthly pleasure…..Love this poem and would love to share with unsaved friends.
    Continue bro.
    Be Bless and be a Blessing!

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