
Are you like a stick of rock
With Jesus through and through
Every single place you go
He’s always there with you
Permeates your being
He is your all in all
Brother you are trully blessed
Your’e worthy of the call.

Are you like a granite block
A Christian just by name
Making church your weekly fix
But leaving just the same
It’s time for you to let Him
Throw wide your bolted doors
Then He can get to work on you
By dealing with your sores.

Only then can your love grow
As you’re refined by fire
You’ll depend upon Him more
As you rise from the mire
Thank Him for His patient love
He’s had a job with you
With darkness fading into light
You finally have a view.

A Christian poem by:  Mike Bullock

One thought on “Rock”

  1. Very true. Alot of Christians are being deceived by error. The Truth is, Jesus Christ. is The Only One Who Sets you Free. Thanks

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