Soft Scoop

I’m wrestling with the ice cream
Inside this soft scoop box
My spoon is bent,my patience spent
I’m trying to outfox
The barrier before me
To get my just dessert
I’ll hack at that unyielding mass
No matter what the hurt.

But hey, where is my patience
Why don’t I let it melt
Surely it will taste the same
If time and me both dwelt
Perhaps this is my problem
Too hasty in my ways
A Martha living in my skin
To be a Mary pays.

So if I wait upon The Lord
Instead of rushing it
And let us melt together
In a fusion,we will knit
A tasty time of bonding
And one that satisfies
Oh Lord,please give me patience
To delight in Your surprise.

A Christian poem by:  Mike Bullock

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