The Finest Hour

This I believe will be a person’s finest hour,
In yielding to Jesus, feeling his saving power,
Sensing security that hadn’t been there before,
Then not understanding why, but expecting more.

Now the growth, little by little, step by step,
Learning why Jesus had come and why He had wept.
For He’s the way to heaven and there’s no other,
That all of the saved become sister and brother.

Finding life lived by God’s way is worth living,
With less joy in taking and much more in giving.
Sharing finds satisfaction not felt in the past,
Next sharing more than what had been shared last.

As Jesus enters a life, Satan’s hold is released,
Problems are lighter when the faith is increased.
Blessings appear like a refreshing summer shower,
So then accepting Jesus will be one’s finest hour.

A Christian poem by:  Anonymous

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