Yet There Is Hope

Why do I love what I hate to do?
Why is there such strong attraction?
To that which wages war with my soul,
And would seek to cause death and destruction?

Why is there such a strong longing for,
The things that I know are so wrong?
My fight seems to be, without much relief,
In a world where I truly don’t belong.

Are there others out there, who feel the pull,
Of enticements the world throws their way?
Or am I the only weakened warrior,
The only sheep that has gone far astray.

I cry, beg and plead and I sense the deep need,
To stop the dark path that I’m treading,
If I were a surgeon, I would operate,
And cut out the cancerous spreading,

Oh wretched man that I am!
Who could ever save me, who has strayed so far from the path?
Still there is hope worth clinging to,
To be saved from God’s powerful wrath.

Could it be true, that God Himself,
Was subjected to that which we face?
That He suffered and died and was brought back to life,
To redeem us from sin’s every trace.

Oh, if it is true, what a glorious thought,
To be called the King’s own special friend.
To live with Him in sinless paradise,
And to know life that will never end.

There is a grand mystery in the great trinity,
A love that’s both fierce and all wise.
For when we are weak, then He is strong,
And blessings often come in disguise.

So if you ever feel like quitting the race,
Remember He’s there right beside you.
Quietly, lovingly cheering you on,
Your Champion just waiting to guide you.

A Christian poem by:  Mark Tinjum — February 2006

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