Christian Testimonies

We’ve posted fifty Christian testimonies on our site and we’re looking for more. Submit your testimony for publication.

We’ve posted fifty spellbinding Christian testimonies on! It’s amazing watching God change lives.

Tonight I pray that God will place it on your heart to share your story. I pray that God will send us fifty more testimonies! As fast as they come in, I’ll post them on the site.

If you’re considering sending us your testimony, check out my squidoo page for some tips on writing an effective testimony.

If God places it on your heart to share your story, then clear away the excuses and write! Some possible (lame) excuses follow:

  • My writing skills suck!
  • My testimony’s not really a testimony. It’s just a boring story.
  • I’m low on time. I’ll do it tomorrow.
  • I don’t know where to start.

I’ve heard all these extremely lame excuses many times before. I would respond to these excuses as follows:

  • Your writing skills may suck, but we have a some good editors here.
  • Your story is an effective testimony. Hurting people are out there, right now, looking for someone, anyone – they can relate to. Your story could be the one to lead them into a living relationship with the Jesus of the Bible.
  • Come on. Everyone’s low on time. You find time for your priorities; this should be one of them.
  • Just start. Begin writing. You’ll find your flow.

We’re waiting. God’s waiting. People heading to hell are waiting. What are you waiting for?

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