Alexandra’s Christian Testimony

I’ve been a believer since I was old enough to walk. It’s because of my granny who prayed and read God’s Word constantly even during the time of socialism repressions. She told me lots of stories about Jesus as I was very inquisitive and curious. Whose child isn’t?  🙂

She was a member of Russian Orthodox Church. She wanted me to get baptized there, but I either didn’t have time for that or my parents didn’t have money. Time passed by . . . and I still wasn’t baptized.

As a teenager I felt lack of communication, and it happened so that I didn’t have friends at school, not a single one. Can you imagine that? So, when I met those 2 nice-looking American guys (they turned out to be missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, i.e. Mormon Church) who were so friendly to me, I had no doubt that the things they were telling me had to be true.

So, at first, they invited me to free English lessons, then after a while they came over to my place to meet my parents and they got along with them rather well. Then 2 more months passed before my mom, my sister and I got baptized in the Mormon Church. That took place on July, 2nd, in 1994. My parents were really happy with me being a part of that church because at least I didn’t take drugs and didn’t drink any alcoholic beverages. And the main thing about it was that I had really great and loyal friends over there.

A real struggle happened inside my soul when I was in Canada, getting ready for my wedding day that was going to be held on the 19th of October 2002. My ex-fiance and I had big arguments about some doctrines of the Mormon Church. You see, he was a Lutheran and attended Smithers Christian Reformed Church. At first I thought that the only thing he wanted out of his life was to insult and offend me as much as possible. But later on I started to wonder if he was right and if I should listen to him. But if he was right then I had been blind for 8 years! That was not possible! But it was possible.

The Lord revealed His truth in a miraculous way for me! I began to rummage through some files in archives of the Mormon Church, and some of the things I found there astonished me. So, I prayed for 2 months about finding a true church where Jesus reigned. I thought that there could be one and only church on earth that was true and that had a true prophet in it. But you know what? I found the answer to my prayer. Church is the people, so, there cannot be one true church in the universe. Yes, there’s one true denomination which is Christianity, but not the church. You just can’t imagine how happy I was to find that out because it brought an end to my inner struggle and great depression!

So, finally, on December 18th, 2002 I got baptized in Smithers Christian Reformed Church. I committed myself to Jesus and promised to carry His name upon my shoulders wherever I am and in the times of sorrow and hardships. I made a profession of faith on Christmas Day. It was just unforgettable! I was leaving for home, going back to Russia the day after, and the tears were running down my cheeks while I was making a profession of faith. I was telling people in the church how much I loved them all and how much I was going to miss them as there was no Christian Reformed Church in my home city, the city of Ekaterinburg.

At first I was mad at myself for ruining my relationships with Sieghard, my ex-fiance, but now, when I look back on it, I just in what a wonderful way God worked in my heart. Sometimes my plans don’t coincide with the Lord’s, but I just rely upon Him and do my part the best way I can. One thing I know for sure is that I am a precious child of God and He’s got a really wonderful and amazing plan for my life! Right now I am so happy to serve the Lord by studying at the Russian-American Christian University in Moscow and working in the Moscow Christian Library as an administrative assistant.

In Him,
Alexandra Svetlakova

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