Anonymous Christian Testimony

My Christian testimony started when I was 8 years old. My parents were my role models. That is until I realized how mean they could be. My step-dad would yell at me and I would get so mad. And my mom would be right there watching him! I was mad at them both. My step-dad for yelling at me for nothing and my mom for letting him. My sister then moved out to live with my dad. And I knew why . . . my step-dad and my mom. When I was the only kid in the house I realized how mean they could be. Eventually, my sister taught me about God and I learned so much in the Bible. About life, about everything. Accepting Him was the best decision ever. And now my sister’s going to church instead of the club and all these stressful tears and emotions and pain happened to me in the years of 8-10 and I’m only 11 now. Wow.

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

3 thoughts on “Anonymous Christian Testimony”

  1. Dear sister in Christ,
    May the Lord bless you and sustain by His mighty charity, He has for us, people.
    Be careful for nothing, but in every prayer and suplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known unto God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (from Bible)

  2. Praise God, every testimony no matter how long or short is a way to glorify God, and He is with you little brother!! ^_^

  3. As long as you trust God, He’ll always be there for you. We have to have faith, believing that He only wants what’s good for us. Our Heavenly Father is so compassionate, merciful and loving. We are truly blessed! I can’t imagine being without God – looking forward to Heaven! So much in…

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