Another Anonymous Christian Testimony

My experience has really taught me that there is no impossibility with God. I was a domestic cleaner in one of the famous hospitals in London. I was working there for almost one year.  I thought that was the best I could ever be in a foreign land with little or no support.  People looked down on me and thought I could never achieve anything.  They called me a toilet cleaner.  Some told me that I ought to be in college.  I had always wished to further my education.  But as a young girl at only 22 years old I really needed support.

I tried to do something better with my life.  I went from one ward to another in the hospital building to speak with the managers to see if I could be employed as a nursing assistant but they all looked down on me.  Then out of nowhere Jesus paved a way.  I met a lady who worked for the trust and I told her my problems.  She offered me training and I applied for the job online.  I was shortlisted and called for an interview which was also successful. To my greatest surprise and to the glory of God, I was employed in one of the wards in the same hospital where I had been a toilet cleaner, where people had looked down on me. Now as a nursing assistant, I have more respect, a good salary and opportunities to further my career.

This is one of God’s great works in my life.  He turned me around from grass to grace, from reproach to glory and he can do something greater than this in your life! Just put your trust in Him only.

4 thoughts on “Another Anonymous Christian Testimony”

  1. I am so glad or you sister. But there is no shame in cleaning toilets. All work is honorable.
    But I am so glad that your self-esteem is now intact.
    I bet you are Indian, am I right?
    They are so ambitious and clever! Ha ha.
    And so sensitive-which I really like.
    God bless you sister in the Lord Jesus.

  2. “With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”- The Bible.
    God bless you and thanks for sharing your testimony online, dear sister in Christ.

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