Christopher’s Christian Testimony

GOD opened the eyes and ears of an unbelieving scientist to the GOOD NEWS of ETERNAL LIFE!

I speak as someone who used to be an enemy of all religion. I qualified to postgraduate level as a biological scientist. I believed in evolution and rejected the idea of there being a Creator God and I rejected the idea of the Bible being true. I was a difficult person to be with: hard, uncaring and stubborn. That has all since changed! I could not have done that by myself.

I came to the point of “. . . repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Acts 20:21 in the Bible) After this Creator God proved to me he was and is real and that the GOOD NEWS (or Gospel) proclaimed in his Word, the Bible, was and is true. Stories about how people repent and believe vary widely, but it must happen if you are to be saved. By that, I mean saved from Hell. In my particular case, it happened after God re-enacted Pentecost for my benefit.

And suddenly there came from heaven the sound of a rushing wind that filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Acts 2:2

The doors and windows were closed. There was no draught within. The only way that wind could have been generated in that room was by supernatural means. This wind went through my eardrums and penetrated every single part of my body. The wind of which we know in nature simply cannot do that.

I demanded proof that the Gospel is true and I got it!

Pentecost was an event that occurred in an upper room in a house in Jerusalem nearly two thousand years ago shortly after the death and rising from the dead of the Lord Jesus Christ. The early believers in Jesus experienced an amazing phenomenon just like this. A violent, powerful, rushing wind entered that room and touched each one personally.

This “repeat” convinced me that everything Jesus said and did was true; that he lived, taught about the Kingdom of God, healed the sick, raised the dead; that he died a cruel death on the cross and rose again from the dead. He is with us now by the Holy Spirit. He made the claim that he is the way to eternal life. I believe him. Will you? Jesus said:

“I am the way, the truth and the life: no one comes to the Father but by me.”

My strongest suggestion is that you REPENT and TRUST the RISEN LORD JESUS CHRIST ALONE for your escape from HELL and entrance to HEAVEN and DO IT TODAY. You do not know what tomorrow will bring for you!


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