Claire’s Christian Testimony

My name is Claire Edmunds and I’m 15 years old. I became a Christian when I was 14. I had always believed there was a God but I never knew anything about Him. I never thought anything of my life before or what it would be like to know God.

My friend I’ve known for ages came home one day and told me he was a Christian and he had been to church. When all of his other friends laughed I felt something inside and I really wanted to know more about my life. This went on for months but I never told anyone as I was too ashamed. I wanted to change my life I knew the way I was living was wrong because my friend kept telling me. Finally I told these two Christians that I wanted to know more about God, so they told me what their church was like and they said If I wanted to go to church with them then they’d call for me Sunday morning.

I knew I wanted to be a Christian and live the way God wanted me to so that night I said the Christian prayer and meant it with all of my heart. I never felt anything in my life had changed though.

I went to church the next day and I loved it. I even sang the songs that I had never heard of before. I went to church Sunday morning and night all the time. I didn’t know if the prayer had worked of I though God hadn’t heard my prayer so I said it again. Soon when we had a tent mission I said it again just to make sure. Now I know that I don’t have to keep saying it because I know that I am a Christian. My faith has gotten so much stronger now and I love being a Christian.I have developed so much confidence now as well which I know the lord has given me. I also know that when you become a Christian you don’t have to feel some big change because you don’t. I never felt anything but I am a Christian I love the lord I live for the lord and I am happy.

Living as a Christian now though has changed me and I do feel something. What I feel is God living in me. I know he is always there and he watches over me and protects me.

The biggest change in my life was giving my life to God and it is also the biggest decision I’ve had to make. But deep down I know that it is the right decision. I also know that God hasn’t finished with me yet, he is still working inside me and one day he is going to make me perfect. Now I am a Christian I feel so much better. I feel as though there is something inside of me that I never felt before and I know it is something right. It was like there was a hole and now it has been filled. I used to think my life was normal before but looking back it wasn’t. Not in Gods eyes anyway. I didn’t do anything really bad but I had a stealing habit and I used to swear so much. I’ve changed so much now I might still swear a little bit but I know all I have to do Is say sorry to the lord and he will answer my prayer and forgive me. My faith is growing so much. And I’ve made an amazing choice which I know is right.God hasn’t finished with me yet either.

Claire Edmunds

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