My Blessing From God–Dennis Fair’s Christian Testimony

My name is Dennis Fair; I am a 46-year-old Army retiree. I had everything a person could want in life. I have a good wife, two fine boys, retirement coming in from the military, a job I had always dreamed of, a new home, a college degree, living in Florida and never sick a day in my life. I was living the life of my dreams but I was missing one thing . . . GOD.

I have always believed in God and would have given my life for my belief. But I never made that last step. I recently accepted the Lord as my personal Savior. As many of you know, I have been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor so my time on earth is short. I am not angry or bitter. I am not even afraid because I am looking at my illness from God’s point of view, not mine. The way I look at my situation, God has blessed me by giving me this cancer.

I feel God gave me a wake-up call. God gave me time to accept the Lord. He could have taken me in the middle of the night without being saved. God even gave me the time to get my family matters in order.

The most important blessing I could have received was my wife and two sons have now accepted the Lord as their personal Savior. My wife and youngest son were baptized on the same day. I feel God used me so that my family would be saved. I would give my life for them. If I have not committed my life to the Lord, they may not have followed in my footsteps. So maybe this is God’s purpose in life for me. So, if having cancer and giving my life saves them, this is a blessing. I am only giving 30 to 40 years of my life on earth for eternity, which I think is a pretty good deal. So do not feel sorry for me. Be happy! So many blessings have come from this. God works in mysterious ways.

During my last operation, I did not worry at all. I knew the Lord was with me and He was. I was told by one doctor that I would be paralyzed on one side of my body and would not to able to speak. So I really should be in a wheelchair right now according to them. The doctors were able to remove 70% of the cancer with God’s help. When I awoke in the recovery room, I did not have any pain. The next morning the nurses and doctors could not believe I was up walking around ready to go home and work around the house. They said I was not normal (my wife had told me this all the time before I was diagnosed with cancer). They wanted to keep me for a couple days. God may be giving me more time on earth to serve Him. If God is giving me more time, I am going use it to do God’s work. I start my day each morning with prayer and ask God, “What can I do for You today, Lord?” since He has done so much for me.

Being reborn is a saying I often hear Christians use. Until I accepted the Lord as my Savior, I did not fully realize how it actually feels to be reborn. My attitude has changed. I am a totally different person now. It has to the best feeling it the word. Why didn’t I accept the Lord sooner? I would have enjoyed life much longer because I look at life differently now.

I know what a drug addict must feel like when they feel the need for the next fix, the next high. I feel the same way with the Word of God. I need that next fix. I cannot get enough of God’s Word. He is the first one I think of in the mornings and the last one I think of at night before I go to bed. God has a purpose for us. I feel this is my purpose to be saved so that my family would be saved.

I want to thank you for your support and prayers. May God bless you and your family as He has mine.

I would like to give special thanks to my friend Harold. I had worked with Harold for a couple of years at the golf course. We became good friends. He has been a father figure to me. He was patient with me. One day he asked me to attend church with him and his wife, Mari- Jean. Not only has he been a good friend, but he brought me to the Lord. I could never repay Harold for what he has done for me and my family. May God bless you, Harold.

Testimony of Dennis Fair
August 2006

2 thoughts on “My Blessing From God–Dennis Fair’s Christian Testimony”

  1. Don’t be surprised if you live to be a ripe old age, Drs. Don’t know, but Jesus does and you can take that to the bank!

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