Freed From Cigarette Addiction

This is a testimony I have never stopped sharing! It is how I was freed from cigarette addiction!

Before I became a believer, I regularly smoked close to 40 sticks of cigarettes or 2 packs a day. It was even much more if I went out drinking with friends after work. That was more than 28 years ago.

I had become a believer then, about three to four months old as a Christian. But I was embarrassed to be still smoking. And then by the mercy and grace of God, a miracle happened one evening. I had returned home from work and was resting on my sofa reading a book by Mel Tari, an Indonesian Evangelist, and was reading that chapter about drinking and smoking, when suddenly I leapt up from my chair! The Holy Spirit spoke clear and loud, “Pray now for the cigarette addiction to leave.”

Immediately I obeyed and went into action! It was so convicting that all I knew was to immediately act on it. I took my new pack of cigarettes (20 sticks) and tore it open. I asked my son to join me to peel each cigarette to loosen the tobacco leaves and threw it on the floor. Then we stood up and started jumping over the tobacco and declared, “Satan, you are crushed under our feet.” While doing that, we could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. My son was shaking and he said, “Dad, God is here.” Immediately, in a moment, suddenly I felt something just left me. I could feel it and I knew I had been set free, that tobacco spirit had left under the power of God. Yes, He is an Awesome God and His Power is greater than any other, Amen!

Next morning, as was my usual habit, on my way to work I would visit the Indian provision shop just opposite my home to buy my daily quota of 2 packs of cigarettes. You see, I worked on the 26th floor and it would be inconvenient to run out of cigarettes. My boss too smoked the same brand and regularly he would come to take some from me. He too was a heavy smoker.

But that morning I just simply forgot about the cigarettes. I did not have any urge or desire to smoke and so I left happily for work without the cigarettes. There was no need for the cigarettes. God had delivered me!

When I reached the office, within minutes my boss came to me to ask for a few cigarettes and was shocked when I said I had none. He asked, “What do you mean you have none?”

So I explained. I said, “Mr Kay, I prayed last night and Jesus set me free. I no longer smoke; that’s why I did not buy any!” Then he looked at me with much surprise and asked, “What do you mean Jesus set you free?” He added, “Chris, all that is rubbish, only willpower can set you free,” and he walked away to buy his own cigarettes. Since that day, I never have had the urge to smoke another cigarette. I have been delivered and since then I never smoked another stick of cigarette! I am forever grateful to God. Amen.

A few years ago, I met him during a lunch break. He had retired but was still working part-time. He shared with me that he had given up smoking following a major operation. He said he was asked to give up smoking by the doctor who treated him. I suppose he knew then that it was not by willpower but by the power of God that I had been set free!

Recently, he attended one of the annual marketplace meetings we organize. After the meeting, he asked for a Bible to read. In our marketplace ministry, we give out about 100 Bibles free of charge every 3 to 4 months.

To God be all the glory!

You too can be freed from cigarette addiction.

Click here to read more awesome Christian testimonies.

3 thoughts on “Freed From Cigarette Addiction”

  1. Thanks for sharing! This reminds me of God’s gracious deliverance in my life. From the time I gotmy drivers license, I sped, passed people, got very irritated at other drivers cutting me off, etc. I thought nothing of this. In my late 20’s God totally transformed my life when I turned myself over to Him. A short while after, I was driving to work when it suddenly struck me — I no longer felt the need to speed and actually let people get in front of me. Praise Him for His transforming…

  2. So many times I have asked God to “set me free” from nicotine addiction, believing that, if he wills, he can as absolute sovereign Lord. He has not chosen to do so, yet! I don’t know why but I do know that it is his gift, so that he gets all the glory. The same could be said of any and all sin – we can become perfect if God wills – he just doesn’t will it because we ALL struggle with sin all our lives. That’s why we need a Saviour in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

  3. I can only reply a resounding ‘AMEN’ I have been saved for many years and indeed love JESUS. However I was addicted to cigarettes and couldn’t stop smoking (matter how hard I tried)
    Finally I realized I couldn’t deliver myself and cried out to the Only One who could my Savior and Redeemer “JESUS”. I remember praying urgently saying “Lord I hate smoking because it is sin against my body which is the temple of THE HOLY GHOST–PLEASE DELIVER ME.” With tears I prayed and believed HE would answer—HE DID
    ONE DAY I SIMPLY HAD NO DESIRE FOR A CIGARETTE. JESUS DELIVERED ME and I am still smoke free today. JESUS Will deliver from addictions when we cry out to HIM!!!!

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