Carol’s Story — From An Abusive Childhood to a Life of Victory

My testimony begins when a Christian man shared the gospel with me. Before this I was a very lost, broken girl. I grew up with an alcoholic mum and an abusive stepdad who hated me.

He would hit me and verbally abuse me whenever my mum’s back was turned. Sometimes when she was there to witness the abuse, she did nothing about it anyway (probably due to fear).

As a child I would lie in bed and listen to them—drunk and arguing. I cried out to God: “If You are real, reveal Yourself to me! Help me. Life is so terrible; I don’t want to live it.” God heard that prayer.

When I got older and started employment I met a man who was a Christian, fully walking with God and full of the Holy Spirit. I was drawn to him; he was so different than anyone I’d ever met.

God used this man in my life. He told me that I needed to be saved, and that it was possible to have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. This was just so alien to me. I always believed God was there somewhere, but hearing that He was real and tangible and interested in my life—that was news!

At this point in my life I was in a pre-marital relationship with a very abusive partner who abused alcohol and drugs and cheated on me constantly. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to leave him; I was too weak. Too broken.

I stayed with him a number of years after this and had a son. The life I lived with him I can only describe as hell. I believed in Jesus and had asked him into my life at this point but still hadn’t fully committed my life to Him.

After we had a son together, it was only then that I cried out to God again. I said, “Please save me and my child from this life! I don’t want my child to grow up like this seeing his father on drugs every day.” God gave me the strength to leave and I did. I have never looked back.

Five years on my son is five and beautiful. God gave me a life, a church, and an amazing son. He baptized me in His spirit. He never fails to amaze me. I am so thankful that He saved a wretch like me. He turned my life around. He lives in me. The old is gone. I am a new creation. His praise will continually be on my lips.

I am at university studying a degree in theology and just so blessed. I hope anyone reading this will know that we have an amazing God who loves us more than we can imagine.

I remember five years ago reading testimonies like this and saying, “Yeah, but that would never happen to me—that’s them.” Let me assure you God is no respecter of persons; give Him your life and watch Him transform it. Read his Word and you will grow. God bless you abundantly.

Check out more amazing Christian testimonies!

One thought on “Carol’s Story — From An Abusive Childhood to a Life of Victory”

  1. The Truthsaves stories really inspire me. This one reminded me a bit of what it was like when I grew up. Not nearly as bad, but did involve drugs and alcohol which made the family dysfunctional. I’m so glad that God kept his hand on my life. I experienced salvation at the age of six and always knew and still do, that He is with me.

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