Hannah’s Testimony

According to Miriam-Webster.com, the word “testimony means:

  • proof or evidence that something exists or is true,
  • firsthand authentication of a fact,
  • an open acknowledgment,
  • a public profession of religious experience . . .

Typically, when we post testimonies here on truthsaves, we’re detailing conversion experiences. But as Miriam-Webster kindly points out, a testimony is so much more than that. So, we gladly post Hannah’s testimony which meets all the above requirements of a testimony. Her testimony begins below.

I’m so incredibly blessed with the privilege of serving God each and every day. Especially at school, because the kids at my school don’t know God. Well, I decided that it’d be a good idea to start bringing my Bible more often. I began to study the Bible with a group of six people. Two of the six weren’t Christians, and I was proud of them for opening up to God and His Word. We studied each day, and I couldn’t have been happier when one of them was saved five weeks after our group started studying together. The other decided to follow Jesus, but she hasn’t accepted him into her heart. Now, we’ve started FCA back up at my school. The two girls that were saved by the Word of God have gotten so into it! I smile and thank Jesus every time I think about it. I feel incredibly blessed to know that I have Jesus by my side to help me! (BTW, I’m only 13 years old, too.) We pray for the two girls all the time, and I’m proud to say this: They are no longer struggling with depression. They don’t feel alone anymore. They don’t feel the need to self-harm anymore. They want to serve Jesus and live for him.

8 thoughts on “Hannah’s Testimony”

  1. That is wonderful Hannah:-) I am glad that you were so brave and showed such love by taking your Bible to school! I pray that you and your friends will be transformed by every word that comes from our wonderful friend, brother and saviour Jesus xx

  2. This is so absolutely wonderful, thank you for your testimony and pointing us to Gods hand and mighty power to save our youth. I am encouraged by your life and boldness for the gospel. God will use you in incredible ways sweetheart and his delight and love fully rests on You. Always look to him for your needs because he will meet with you.

  3. Ive had a similar experience, I’ve been throuhg depression and self harm and getting through that was the hardest but most rewarding thing ive ever done. Anyway after that I became a satanist for a few months and got radically delivered from that, but back to a few weeks ago when i was walking down the street i saw a man he was all hunched over hair everywhere and looked like a druggo I was about to pass by when i felt lead to speak to him i could sense a dadk presence over his life, later did i learn he was one his way to commit suicide and if i hadnt talked to him he wouldve died, he had depression and was a father, he had made some mistakes & his court date was soon he came to church that night prayed the sinners prayer. Pla pray for

  4. God Bless you my angel…..go on spreading the gospel of Christ he will guide and direct your way. May God richly Bless you in your ministry to win soul for GOD.

  5. Well done Hannah, may God continue to protect & keep you strong in him. Also your friends. God bless & keep you all safe & covered under his wings. X

  6. That’s awesome Hannah that you’re being obedient and sharing your faith and seeing the results! You’re on the road to greatness and the Lord has a lot planned for you! Thanks for sharing your testimony! May God continue to use you mightily!

  7. Awesome Hannah it’s so good to hear about a young lady that is so bold and willing to step out and transform lives through Jesus

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