Jett Andrew’s Christian Testimony

My name is Jett Andrews, I live in a small backwater town here in Alberta, Canada. My life truly has been touched by the Lord, here is my testimony . . .

It all started when I was born. No, no wait – this isn’t some cheesy Hollywood movie script I’m about to write – it’s the God honest truth about everything that has happened. I was born on August 27th, 1985, right here in Alberta. This doesn’t really seem significant, but considering my mother was told she’d never have kids (had several miscarriages) I truly think it is significant and special. I was your average kid growing up, getting into trouble, playing with friends – without a single care in the world. That started to change at a very young age. I saw my mother and father start fighting and arguing, family all around me was moving away and becoming bitter towards us, and I myself was violated by someone I should have been able to trust; my grandfather. I was molested many times as a young child, and with everything else going on I couldn’t have told anyone anyway. My life started slowly returning to ‘normal’, if you can call it that, after several months of hard times. I was about 5-6 at this current time, but I felt much older and more bitter towards what we call life. My father was now working more than ever, hardly seen him, and my mother was continually “bouncing” herself around the neighborhood in ways that I’d rather not dig into. This lasted until I was a teenager, and even then things like this would happen regularly. I was a disrespectful jerk, filled with rage towards many things, and so much pain buried deep within myself. The wounds were literally so deep that they couldn’t heal, they would just fester and irritate me.. and remind me of everything that I hated. Needless to say this translated into bad grades, fights, drug problems, and a disregard for my future.. not to mention my present. This all changed though, and it happened so quickly . . . the way out I mean, but I couldn’t see it clearly – and I took yet another wrong path . . .let me explain.

So now I’m in High School, about ready to explode, and with more problems arising daily. It was time to pick new classes, and being the ‘rebel’ I thought I was, I was going to wait it out and cause a problem with the system. It turned out that they were going to make me take another class, even though I’d missed filling out a sheet for one, and that class would have an impact so great on me and my life . . . words cannot express how amazing it was. The class was Religious Studies, but it actually focused on Christianity (which is much more of a relationship than anything) than anything else. It started slow.. but I saw people who were smiling, laughing, and just had a presence about them that I couldn’t explain at the time. It wasn’t clear sailing yet, and I was still a long way from becoming Born Again. I had actually rebelled from it and started looking into Satanism and the like. How typical that I would, but I couldn’t see how stupid it was at the time. Then ‘it’ happened. I hit rock bottom, and was kicked out from the school due to behaviour. This sent a shockwave of emotions, thoughts, and situations through me and my life. My life no longer had people to deal with.. and maybe that helped me open my mind a little more than it was, because I started seeing things a little more clearly. I prayed one night, that God would forgive me and I asked that Jesus please come into my life and help me. I received a Bible, and right along side that Bible came the Holy Spirit. I started growing and learning, and I no longer hated my life.. nor the people in it. I forgave the people who had hurt me, and I apologized to those that I had hurt. It was a sudden thing, and I felt amazing, some of my friends and family actually thought I had hit a lower level and was faking all this. I’ve proven them wrong though, and I’m attending Church, reading my Bible, and helping my sister find the Lord also.

My life was a constant whirlwind, but it was turned into a beautiful summer breeze in such a profound way. Jesus is my rock, and I can lean on him whenever I’m in trouble. My life is by no means perfect, and I’m certainly not saying I don’t deal with sin anymore. Quite the opposite actually, and Satan constantly tries to weaken me. My love for Jesus will never fade though, and I’ll always know where to turn. Thanks for your time.

God Bless,

Jett Andrews

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