Kim’s Christian Testimony – Out of a Gay Lifestyle

In the past I never liked to talk about me, but since I trusted God completely that has changed. I have to tell you about where I have been so I can tell you about the one person that I can’t say enough about. That would be the Lord Jesus Christ – my precious savior and best friend.

When I was around the age of 8 years old I was being sexually molested. The older I got the further away from him I got, so eventually it stopped.

I accepted Jesus into my life in 1981 and became active in my church. I believed everything would be okay, and it was for awhile . . . until I went in one direction and left Jesus standing with his arms opened wide and tears running down His face.

I had feelings for the same sex and I thought it was because of my past. Around the age of 17 I started hanging out with the gay crowd. I felt like I had found my place in life. Oh how wrong I was! For the last 18 years of my life I have been gay. I could hear Jesus calling me back time after time, but I was living life my way. My way brought nothing but a lot of pain and tears. I had no peace or joy at all. At one point I found myself on my knees in my front yard holding a gun to my head praying to God to give me the strength to pull the trigger. He gave me strength alright – to get up and go on with my life.

As soon as He helped me I went right back to my old lifestyle not giving him the credit he deserved. In October of last year I was on my way to work and out of nowhere a truck was sitting still in the middle of the interstate . I hit it head on and then a van hit me. I found myself laying face down in my floorboard hurting like never before. I remember laying there screaming out to God help me please! I was in a wheelchair for awhile and then a walker. I spent about three months on crutches which seemed like forever. God was right there that day just like all the other times I had called on him. He was holding me in his arms on October 2nd. I should have died that day. I owe everything to Him; He is my savior. I could hear Him saying, “Kim I love you, I am right here just like always.”

I have left my old life behind and given my life over to Him completely. I have never had such peace and joy in my life before. I thank God for His unconditional love and for giving me a chance to tell others where I have been and where I would be without the Lord Jesus Christ. I give my testimony to as many as I can. My prayer is that God will use me to share His love and mercy with others.


May God bless you always and forever!

Kim Maskew

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