Marek’s Christian Testimony

I grew up in a Christian household with my mother, brother, and grandmother. I went to a Christian school from kindergarten until my junior year. I attended church every Sunday morning and evening, and as well on Wednesdays. I professed my salvation at age five, but I never grew in a close relationship with God. I was a stagnant Christian; I professed to love God, but I never bore fruit. Around my sophomore year, my mom’s devotion to the church became lax and eventually we stopped going altogether. At this point I started to go my own way, obsessing over video games and falling into pornography. A dear friend of mine (also a straying Christian) introduced me to marijuana, and we wasted two and a half years smoking, gaming, and doing as we pleased.

God brought me to a point of realization that if I continued down that path, I would live a pointless and unfulfilled life. Soon after I was caught shoplifting, and God led me to Harvest Bible Chapel where I served my community service hours. While there I almost immediately got plugged in with a small group of men my age. It’s been amazing to see how God has brought me back to himself, and how He is changing me into a vessel that He can use. I’ve lived the first 19 years of my life myself, and I plan to live the rest of my days for my faithfully loving Father!

17 thoughts on “Marek’s Christian Testimony”

  1. welcome back home to the faith brother and also go to the Anglican church get baptized there and recive your first communion and recive confirmation also.

    1. Don’t go to the Anglican church for baptism or communion brother, just grow where God has planted you.
      The Anglican church make you “feel religious” but there is no real HEART for GOD in it..just ritual and acting religious, and that was what caused you to stagnate in the first place. I don’t know what type of church you are in now, but it sounds like it is doing you good!
      (Some Anglicans love the Lord though, of course.)

      “Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, with ALL yur soul, with ALL your mind (what you think on,) and with ALL your strength,”this is the first commandment.
      WHY should we love God like that? Because that is exactly how He loves you and each one of us!
      Calvary is proof of it.
      But one cannot love Him with their all, until they are filled with His Holy Spirit, so ask Jesus to baptize you in the Holy Ghost, like they all received throughout Acts of Apostles, in 2:4, 10:44; 19:verses 2 and 6. See Luke 11:13.
      Look these up brother, for there is much more for you!

      1. @ linda u are so wrong on what u said abt Anglican. What is rituals. Look for the meaning. Are u trying to say no Anglican will make heaven.

        1. I did not mention about Heaven or hell, I believe that the Anglican church itself is nothing like the true Church: the church in the Book of Acts.
          I could also say that of some other nominal churches. The one he is in now has obviously done him good (whatever one it is,) I object to Jay trying to pull him out of it and drag him into a church that I know (from experience) to be spiritually cold and lifeless.
          I did say that there are some in those churches who love the Lord, but they too would be better off out of that church and in one that is closer to the only true Church: the Book of Acts.

          1. i am talking about reformed Anglicans thier another name comes from Martin Luther i said go to the Lutheran church for they are the reformed Anglicans and they agree with you they still have the sacrements but they agree with you

    2. Fantastic! I have been to your church and God has used your pastor to minister to me! Thanks so much for sharing. I read your testimony to my 13 year old son!

  2. Thank you for sharing your testimony Marek! It’s always a blessing to hear how one comes back to the Lord, no matter how they stray. He is faithful! Keep serving Him.

  3. Praise God, it is good to refresh with the spirit that God give us so as we walk by his will (ephesians 2:10) stay blessed!

  4. Love your testimony. God is with you, living within you. FAITH COMES BY HEARING GODS WORD from the bible, not sermons or books people write.

    Go hear to listen to the word of God and weigh the amount of time your hearing and not hearing. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.

  5. Yea, you belong here in your heavenly Father’s home. You don’t belong out there. Enjoy the rest of your life with the rest of the family. Welcome back brother.

  6. God always has a good plan for you, in Jeremiah : for I know the plans I have for you ,says the Lord , plans to give you victory

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