Melvin’s Christian Testimony

My name is Melvin and I wish to share this piece with my fellow believers. I met my girlfriend Jennifer on the February 2, 2008, and we became very good friends. We faced a lot of criticisms and we had our own share of ups and downs but we remained strong and committed to each other amidst all the obstacles that we faced. Human beings are imperfect but I do not doubt her love for me.

On March 25, she called me to inform me that she was sick. At that time I was at work so the next day (that is, the 26th) I finished work and went to her apartment to see how she was doing; she wasn’t feeling all that bad so I bought her some medications as she complained of headache and neck pains. Then I got her some balm to apply on her neck. I spent quite some time with her, helped her clean her room and cooked for her as well before leaving. Later that same day, I called her to know how she was doing and she sounded somehow fainty. I considered it funny. Perhaps she wanted attention. But guess what? I WAS WRONG. At approximately 9 P.M. that same day I called her and this time she did not take my call and I continued calling on regular intervals but she never answered. Then around about 3 A.M., she called me and her voice was darn fainty. I could hardly hear her; all I can remember was hearing her say that she was weak.

I tried to call her back when it was dawn but she didn’t pick up my calls until around about 6 A.M. Then I asked her how she was doing but she sounded pretty bad so I told her to get herself together as I would send a taxi to come pick her up and drop her at the hospital. I called almost all the taxi drivers I knew but none answered me. The one that did answer had his car in the shop so I called a couple of friends. There were none available to go and help her out. I was at work at this hour so could not go to her either. Then at exactly 8 A.M., I called her again and this time she managed to take my call. All I could hear from her was, “Help me.”

I was touched by the tone of her voice so I left my work and rushed to her apartment. To my greatest surprise, she was lying helplessly on the floor of her room; her eyes were yellowish and her fingers stretched and dry, and her lips were dry. She was so weak and unconscious that she didn’t even know what was happening. I looked at her face while she was lying on the floor and I realized that I was losing a friend so I shouted out to God to save her and begged her to get up. She could not stand on her feet so I helped her stand up, changed her clothes and rushed her to the hospital.

She was diagnosed with “muscle whatever” (can’t remember) because of the neck pains, like the bones on her neck were flexed or something. X-rays were done on her neck. The doctor and nurses at the hospital were so good and nice to us. They treated her case as an emergency and with utmost urgency. The injection given to her took effect immediately because we spent three hours at the hospital. And you know what? She was wheeled into the hospital on a wheelchair but after this three hours she walked home with me. This is not just the end of this story because recovering from this sickness is another episode. But the fact is that I was there at the right time to save her. To God be glory for using me to save a soul because I almost lost her! God is always around to do the unthinkable.

Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Amen.

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