Sarah’s Christian Testimony

My name is Sarah Imbabi; I’m 18 years old this year (2011).

For those of you who don’t know me, before I came to Christ, I was quite the trouble-maker. I partied, lied, smoked, got drunk, broke the law and behaved in all sorts  of ways that I knew in my heart were wrong. But I ignored my conscience because I was blinded by sin and walking down a path of destruction.

Just a little after my 16th birthday, I started to get depressed. I was going through a pretty rough time; I was ill, lost, and I just didn’t know where to turn.  I was barely living—every morning I would wake up feeling down, discouraged and un-loved. I haven’t told anyone this before, but I even contemplated suicide a few  times. I just did not see the point of living anymore. I felt like nobody understood me.

Until . . . Jesus.


Jesus came into my life and what a good God He is! I began reading a book called The Power of Prayer by Joyce Meyer and before I knew it I was praying,  reading the Bible and listening to worship music. I gave my life to God in the summer of 2010, and He has completely turned my life around! My heart is healed and  my sinful desires have been washed away, along with my fear and pain!

At the beginning, people found it hard to adjust to the big transformation in me. But after a while, they understood that I was a new person—a new creation in Christ.  I didn’t have to worry about trying to please anyone else! I was loved and forgiven by my Maker!

Of course, there are still times when things get tough, but I know that I will always have an answer to every single problem—and His name is Jesus. I only desire to  do the will of my God, and I am just so thankful to have Him as my Saviour.


One thought on “Sarah’s Christian Testimony”

  1. You are a cherished, adored child of The Most High God! Jesus Reigns!!! Never forget His love for you!

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