Sendrine’s Christian Testimony

I was born in 1986. My name is Sendrine Mukandi. Here is my Christian testimony.

As a young girl I was always hungry for the Word. My whole life is a living testimony, but I will share one important story that stands out from the rest. Toward the end of November 2008, I was stabbed several times on my left shoulder (just below the shoulder) in front of the apartment where I lived. I had just left my flat with a friend at around 6 p.m. There is a small restaurant around that corner and that street is usually busy. I was walking with my friend and I heard him scream. When I looked I saw a guy holding a piece of triangle-shaped metal (it looked like the one that people use to remove paint with). My friend gave him his phone, but the guy looked at me. He asked me nothing and he just started to stab me—it almost seemed as if he was sent to me (I don’t know why). It all happened so fast. I was screaming as loud as I could as I have a big voice, but surprisingly no one heard. I kept on falling and getting up, but he overpowered me and stabbed me at the same place several times. He was quiet; he looked fine to me (some think he was on drugs). As he stabbed me all I could hear was a glass-like sound rubbing against my bones. While he was stabbing me for the last time he said “Leta, leta,” which means “bring, bring.” I had nothing on me except for an R20 note—when I opened my hand for him to take it—it was filled with blood. He then ran away with nothing.

Many things had happened, but the moral of my story is that God exists and is more powerful than anything. The devil has no power over me and can never control my life if I don’t let him. God is the only One who can take my life when He wants to as He is the one who gave it to me. God protected and guided me that night as I had never experienced or had any incidences with robbers before. As I have always told myself—God is my protector and He has covered me with His blood, so nothing can ever happen to me. But God sometimes allows bad things to happen to us so that He can be glorified. I have always been a believer and was always hungry and had a deep desire for God. I have read several books about heaven and hell—heaven is so real—please read some if you haven’t already as they can be so eye-opening.

I love singing and praising (but don’t have a great voice for it). Christian songs calm me and can be so profound. Having God in my life makes me content (you know all the things women want from men and all the feelings that they want to feel). I get it from God—He truly gives me peace within and I have so much joy in my heart because of Him! I don’t know what I’d do without Him. In each situation that I pass through I ask God to guide me and let me learn and understand everything that He wants me to, as I know that every situation that I travel through is in His will.

Dear Lord, God, and Father,

there is truly no one like You. Who can be compared to You, Father? You are Lord, King and Creator of all. You are so loving and faithful that no one could ever match or measure up to You. Papa, may Your will be done upon my life. Use me as your instrument; show me how to serve You and win souls over for You. I love You so much and don’t even know how to express it. Papa, put Your hands on the people in hospitals, people who are suffering and people who need You the most right now, but don’t know how to reach out to You. Papa, save Your children so that they too may sit with You and enjoy eternal life. I love You dearly.

In Your Name I pray,


I felt like praying.

Isn’t it high time you received God in your life? Whoever you are, whatever your situation is, just know that there is a God out there who is willing to forgive you for all your wrongs and open His doors for you if you invite Him in your life. Life is so meaningless without Jesus Christ. You can be the friendliest, most good-hearted person, but if you don’t know God—there’s no other place for you but hell.

Be blessed.

It is never too late to change your life. It’s such a great feeling to leave all your burdens on Christ. I rely on Him for everything—knowing deeply that He will answer me in His time, which is perfect timing. If you’d like to contact me so we can chat and share the Word of God or if you have any queries, you can email me at

One thought on “Sendrine’s Christian Testimony”

  1. Such a horrible thing to go through, yet you have remained faithful to God and trusting Him. So admirable! I find worship songs calms me and brings me closer to His presence. God bless & pray that you’ll be able to share your testimony with many & that you be able to plant seeds in others’…

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