Severe Traumatic Brain Injury – Michael’s Christian Testimony

In 1998, I was ejected out of the T-bar roof of a Z28 and slammed my frontal lobe straight into a tree! My brain hit the front of my skull and then the back with a twist. Hello severe traumatic brain injury.

I went to Campbellford Memorial Hospital and was put into an induced coma. They sent me to St. Michael’s by ambulance and the anesthesiologist rode with me in case I woke up or moved.

At St. Michael’s I stopped breathing and had a tracheotomy. I also had my left cheek reconstructed. When I woke up five and one-half weeks later my Glasgow coma scale was only three points from a catastrophic brain injury.

I was diagnosed with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. My mother told me that half my brain was injured and that I was lucky to be alive! But I know now I was not lucky–I was blessed!

I was a 30-year-old man wearing a diaper who could not feed himself, see, think, swallow or even talk at all properly.

I had rehabilitation at St. Mary’s of the Lake Rehabilitation Hospital from when I woke up to 2001. It was a rough ride. There were times when I was about to give up because I knew I couldn’t do it! I was alone (I thought) with the perfectly trained therapists, but I kept hearing something that told me I could do it and it needed to be done, to leave this rehab hospital. People were praying for me and I believe God was speaking to me, giving me strength and encouragement to continue.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9.

I know that my healing was a gift from God, with the damage that I had and where I started off from. He gave me a second breath of His for life.

Every time I cried the voice said, “What are you crying for? You just have to complete a little bit and go home.”

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

I was alive with my parents, but now they have both passed, and I had to learn my independence. I gave my heart and soul to Jesus my savior, and my life changed.

I am so glad that Jim and Suzan Cuddy brought me to the Marmora Pentecostal Church. I listened to everything that Pastor Alvin Peddle said about the real reason for Christmas. The Holy Spirit moved about in the church this Christmas. I wasn’t alone but was loved and felt loads of love from my brothers and sisters.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.

2 John 1:3 NIV

I fell in love and realized where the voices came from. God. He was getting me ready for my faith journey. I tried taking Christian Studies with Masters College and Seminary and I am not sure that was God’s will for me! I am still waiting for the gift of God’s will and the journey that God wants me on. Which reminds me of John 14:6.

Jesus answered “I am the way, and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except through me.

“Leading me to a relationship with our father God.”

On November 19, 2023, during the intermission at The Case for Christ movie at the Marmora Pentecostal Church, I met Julie Anderson, my friend from Facebook. She was with a few lady friends, and I talked a little.

I told them that I have trouble eating and talking because I stopped breathing in my accident (August 22, 1998). I told them my testimony and I also mentioned about my app to add speech to my testimony because I cannot multitask (reading, remembering and speaking all at the same time).

They asked me to say my testimony at their church. I am going to do my testimony at my church first and then I am going to go church to church.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

I found my calling as a servant to our almighty God. And that is to tell everyone I can about my testimony as a witness to God’s grace and mercy.

I have been blessed by God throughout my brain injury. I have my own house, G license, and a 2014 van. I do not need 24-hour care and I am able to take care of myself and my finances and property. It is now my journey with my faith.

God’s plan is to live in me and give me a second chance to live, shining Jesus Christ for all the unbelievers that are loved by God (just like me). But I plea to you and I pray that,

Even I testify not on my own behalf; my testimony is valid, for you to know where I came from and where I am going.

John 8:14

I pray that you have an idea of the amazing life that you can have with Jesus. You just need to walk like Jesus did in the New Gospel and have hope and faith that our God is good!

Let the truth be told. Our God is not done with us all yet!

Thank you everyone for being my only family–my church family!

Check out our other Christian testimonies!

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