Tami’s Christian Testimony

The Lord has worked so many miracles in my life during the last eight months. I attempted to take my life on October 27th, 2010. I had been trying to keep my home and than I was let go from my employment. Two months earlier I had been on medical leave for shingles. On my return to work, my boss wrote me up. He had also transferred all my employees to other offices. He told me I had to get 7 HMCs within 30 days. He was setting me up for failure. I prayed that God would send me the applicants. Within 60 days I had seven Christian employees. This was the work of our Lord. But two months later my boss entered my office and told me my position had been eliminated. He proceeded to tell me to get my things packed up immediately, which I did. Then he and another manager escorted me to my car, as though I had done something illegal.

I snapped when I returned home. It was like I wasn’t in control of my body. I calmly went to my room and swallowed about 50 Xanex. Within ten minutes I could feel myself drifting away. Then my phone rang and it was my friend. She knew I had done something and called the police. When the paramedics were putting me in the ambulance the last thing I heard was “she doesn’t have a pulse.” I died and the Lord brought me back. During this time there was 12 hours of darkness. It was the scariest time of my life. The only image I remember was my son crying and saying “don’t leave me Mom.” I will have that picture etched in my mind for the rest of my days. I struggled with what I had done, but I realized the Lord forgave me so I needed to also.

I began to return to church and turn my life over to the Lord. I have put all my faith and trust in Him. Since this time He has performed so many miracles. My house was sold in auction and 2 hours later the sale was rescinded. A week later I received a modification package lowering my interest rate to two percent. He gave me a great job.

I feel so much joy and peace. I can’t take the smile off of my face. I don’t worry anymore because I know that the Lord is always working behind the scenes for my good. When my house sold I didn’t worry where I would live; I knew the Lord would take care of me. The Lord brings me Scripture in the middle of the night. He is leading me and I’m letting Him. I only want to do what the Lord wants me to. I pray for my eyes to be open and my ears to hear clearly what He is asking me to do. My work was not done. It’s all about trusting Him and knowing He will take care of us.

6 thoughts on “Tami’s Christian Testimony”

  1. It certainly takes faith (and not necessarily a lot of it) for God to bring you through different situations. Thoughts cross my mind as to whether God will care for me and my husband in our retirement years; but sometimes one has to be in dire straits before we rely on God, as we rely on our own so many times. We just have to keep our eyes on Him as He cares for His children. Praise God He spared you and has taken care of you and thanks for sharing!

  2. What a Mighty God we serve, you have such a powerful testimony, and i’m greatly encourage by it today, God bless and continue to use you!

  3. To God be the Glory for all that he had brought you through and how he has blessed you and kept you..the hood work that he has begun in you he will complete!!!! We serve a faithful God.

  4. You see people everyday sometimes we think they have the perfect life. Only God and them only know what they are going through. Most times some never share the pain and testimony. Thank you for sharing Tami you can help others with your strenght in God and your victory recovering from some dark times you’ve experienced . May God continue to Bless you and your family. Former Member Linda

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