Thilini’s Testimony–Freed from Depression

I am 22 years old. I suffered from depression for seven years. I took lots of medications, but I didn’t get any deliverance from stress and my emotional damages. Finally I decided to die. I prayed to Jesus. I told Him, “Lord I’m going to die. I don’t want to live. But if I can give my body, soul, spirit, emotions and MIND to you, I can live my life through your life.” On the 14th of October 2011, I was in my bed at night and I felt the fire of the Holy Spirit come upon me. I will never forget that day. Now my life is not here; it is in heaven. CHRIST JESUS is living in my soul, spirit, emotions, mind and in my everything. No thoughts disturb me now. My spirit is light as a feather now. JESUS blessed me with a good job to support His ministry. I will live only for JESUS till the end.

4 thoughts on “Thilini’s Testimony–Freed from Depression”

  1. That was beautiful. You are never alone and don’t ever be scared he is there tomorrow the next day and the day after that. And even if we go through tribulation we have house in the heavens.

  2. So that’s awesome you died and now you can’t fail because love never fails. Just don’t forget you died and Christ lives. So your a son of God and not a sinner. I’m a bride so you can be a son. Just don’t forget who you are.

  3. I love that part about your sohl is light as a feather “my yoke is light, my burden is easy”, praise God.

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