Victoria’s Christian Testimony

Well, I started my walk with God so young. I was nine years old when God found me. He filled me with his Holy Ghost and that grew in me. I went to church after that, and as a child grew up in church. I didn’t really realize what I had. Until things started happening to me. At the age of 18 I rebelled against God, parents and even church. I used to look at people and say to myself if they act bad so can I. But God doesn’t work that way. I was confused, lost and depressed without Him.

Now, God has forgiven me and He’s changing me into what He wants me to be. I thank Him with all my heart and I want to keep loving Him more and more each day. In Jesus’ name I pray that this testimony can touch someone. And remember, God has all the answers. He’s the ONLY ONE who truly loves you!

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