Christianity in a Nutshell – Proverbs 27:7

Proverbs 27:7 – Christianity in a nutshell. Do you agree?

7 One who is full loathes honey,
but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet.
Proverbs 27:7 (ESV)

For one full of God and His Word, sin appears disgusting. For those starving for His love, even the most vile cesspool might look inviting.

One thought on “Christianity in a Nutshell – Proverbs 27:7”

  1. Eric,

    Thank you for your insight on this verse. I shared with someone recently your words that this proverb is “Christianity in a Nutshell.” I had to explain it to them. But the statement is so true. Those whose passions are warm towards God, the things people count good in this life seem to be only distractions. For those who are cool towards God, the desire of life to find meaning can lead them astray into every form of greed and desire.

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