A Christmas Poem From Mark

I gotta say, I really appreciate what God has given me. Pastor Paul gave me a task a few days ago — to write down what God has done in my life. Once I started working on the list, I realized I could write forever so I tried to synthesize the many blessings into larger, more overarching ones. One of those overarching blessings in my life is my friends.

The friends God has given me have saved my life, coached me, directed me, prayed for me, encouraged me, supported me financially, taught me . . . I could go on but you get the idea. One such friend is Mark. You know, the guy who wrote so many poems for this site. I met him this morning for coffee and he really encouraged me. He reminded me that Christ is our end goal. He reminded me to keep my eyes on Him. Forget the world. Forget worrying. Forget theological debates. Focus on the prize — Jesus Christ.

For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:2 NKJV

Anyway, Mark also sent me this poem recently . . . read it and be blessed!

By A Child Reconciled

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