Jesus Loves You

This poem by Cindy presents a clear illustration of what it means to love and be loved by the Jesus of the Bible.

Poetry speaks to some people . . . not to others. I’ll have to admit it doesn’t move me all that much (most of the time). Regardless of that, the poetry section on this site is growing faster than any other section. It’s also the most visited page on the site. So, apparently, poetry does speak to a lot of people. I have many more poems to post; I’m still way behind. In fact, the one I’ll tell you about in a minute was submitted in April. But it’s the last submission in April, and now I’m into May! I’m hoping to catch up soon. If you’ve submitted anything it’ll show up eventually.

Anyway, the poem I’m introducing today was submitted by Cindy. I love her poetry. She always presents a clear message of what it means to love and be loved by the Jesus of the Bible.

Jesus Loves You

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