Jesus of Judah

A site viewer posed the following question:

The Bible says that the Messiah would be of the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David. According to Christians, Jesus was born of a virgin. However, tribal affiliation is conferred through the birth father only (Numbers 34:14, Numbers 1:18-44, Leviticus 24:10). The mother’s tribal affiliation was considered irrelevant to what her children’s tribal affiliation was and tribal affiliation/genealogy could not be inherited though a stepfather; only property could be inherited. Because Christians believe that Jesus had no human father, he would have had no tribal affiliation and would be eliminated from messianic consideration.

How can this be refuted?

The logic seems sound, doesn’t it? Let’s see if Scripture provides any clues as to how Jesus could be considered of the tribe of Judah.

Jesus of Judah

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