Mike’s Christian Testimony – Freedom from Drugs & Alcohol

Mike’s testimony of how God freed him from the stranglehold of drugs and alcohol and gave him his life back.

Mike sent in this story a while ago and I finally got around to posting it. I appreciate this story a lot, probably because it contains a lot of similarities to my own story. Of course there are differences, but it’s amazing how God finds ways to reach each of us.

Here’s an excerpt from his story to capture your interest . . .

For years I was a daily user of marijuana, and spent my weekends partying with friends. I would go through jobs almost as fast as I would smoke a carton of cigarettes, that is until I was offered the ultimate job for a person with my lifestyle, a place I had burned most of my free time and money at, the Renton Pub. Now I would at least be paid to be there (although I would still recycle most of my paycheck back to The Pub). At this point I led a life of little responsibility and no accountability. I met a young lady and I eventually became responsible for the birth of a baby girl. At this point my transgressions had not been actualized, and little had changed in my life. A few months later I met another young woman and once again became responsible for another pregnancy.

Mike’s Christian Testimony

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