New Article on truthsaves . . . Who Is God?

Who is God? It’s a question many have asked, and a question many have tried to answer. If you ask 100 people, you’ll get 100 different answers.

Who is God? It’s a question many have asked, and a question many have tried to answer. If you ask 100 people, you’ll get 100 different answers. The best person to tell you about God is God Himself, just like the best person to tell me about you is – you guessed it – you. Does God tell us about Himself? You bet. In His Word.

Tim paints a beautiful word picture of who God is, according to the Scriptures.

Read the article here.

3 thoughts on “New Article on truthsaves . . . Who Is God?”

  1. Well I just tuned in to your blog Eric and see Tim’s article. That’s a great question and one that I’m going to be thinking about and will respond to (I still need to read the article – right now getting ready for church). Have a great Sunday! Love you all, Mom

  2. Well before work, I took the time to read Tim’s “Who is God?”. It touched me, as I realize I want to know God more. I believe our busyness has kept many from knowing Him. I plan on reading this article again soon, as I don’t get everything reading things once. I know Eric that you and Tim would not want to take credit for some that is written on this blog, but I want to say “thanks” for your articles, and the interest that it stirs in me. You guys are great as far as I’m concerned. Keep the articles coming. Once verse that comes to mind is –

    Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God.”

    Sometimes hard to do in this fast passed world.

  3. I agree with you about being too busy to pay attention to God. We get so caught up in our daily lives we forget that He’s there taking care of us the entire time. Thanks for sharing that verse . . . I definitely need to do it more . . . the “be still part” especially.

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