New Facebook Page for Truthsaves

Well, I haven’t really been doing much with the site (obviously), but the last few days I dug in a posted a bit of new content.

In the process, I realized that I’m locked out of my old Facebook page. It’s unfortunate, but I had to start a new one. The old one is still there, but I can’t access it, nor can I access the email address associated with it (yes, it’s been that long since I updated that page).

So, here is a link to the new Facebook page.

Give it a follow!

One thought on “New Facebook Page for Truthsaves”

  1. I’ve seen more in the last few days than I’ve seen in awhile from Truthsaves! I love that it is still going Eric. Maybe it’s because of the locked out FB page that much has not been shown. I wholeheartedly believe in this site and hope it continues.

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