Beth’s Story

I cannot imagine losing a child. Beth’s story recalls the death of her son to suicide and God’s healing in her life.

This testimony was difficult to read.

My children are everything to me. When I see pain in my daughter’s eyes I react quickly to alleviate that pain. I could not imagine life without her. I do not know if I could go on living if she were not here. She is everything to me.

Beth’s story is her account of losing her son to suicide.

Beth’s Story

Loving Children – New Article on truthsaves

It comes somewhat as a shock to me that anyone would think that children can thrive without love being expressed to them.

Interestingly enough, a reader wrote us and asked us if children should be loved, and if so, how they should be loved. Well, none of us here at has children (not quite), but we think Scripture gives clear direction on loving them.

Read the article here.