Will God Forgive My Sin?

My sin is so terrible I can’t even tell it. I hope that God can forgive me.

Think about all the sin in the world. Murder, theft, pride, adultery, lust, greed . . . the list is long. Which sin is the worst? Will God forgive some sins but not others? People often think their own sin is the worst sin ever in God’s eyes. But it’s important to remember that we serve a God of mercy, a God who forgave King David for murder and adultery, Manasseh for setting up idols and murdering innocent people (even his own son), Paul for campaigning against Him, Peter for denying Him . . .

Will God Forgive My Sin?

My Terrible Sin

My sin is so terrible—I think my heart is black. I don’t think God wants me back.

Your own sin may or may not be similar to the one described in the following article, but the concept explained applies to everyone. The devil has a way of convincing people that their sin is so terrible that their chance of salvation has been ruined. Nothing could be further from the truth. God delights in the prodigal son or daughter returning to Him. Scripture is replete with sinners finding grace and mercy extended to them by the God of the Bible. David was a murderer. Rahab was a prostitute. Paul made a habit of persecuting Christians. Rest assured that God is waiting for you to return to Him and that He will accept you with open arms.

My Terrible Sin