Will God Forgive Purposeful Sin?

Question from a Site Viewer
I have sinned purposefully against God by watching porn. Will the almighty God forgive me because I have come across some Christian brothers who say that sin committed deliberately is an act of rebellion against God and as such God will not forgive. God will punish such a soul. Do I still have hope?

Tim’s Answer
Thank you for asking the question. I do not know what Scripture your Christian brothers are using to state that God does not forgive purposeful sin. But I can assure you that if God does not forgive purposeful sin, then there is no hope for any of us. We all have sinned intentionally. Was not David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba a purposeful sin? God forgave David (2 Samuel 12:13; Psalm 32:5). Were not the sins of ancient Israel deliberate? Yet, God calls them to return to Him and He will forgive their sins (Hosea 14:1-4). Peter, in lying to the women around the fire, sinned deliberately (Mark 14:66-72). Christ forgave his sin (John 21:15-21) and Peter became a great person in the early church.

Perhaps your Christian brothers are extrapolating from the Old Testament concept of the sin through ignorance (Numbers 15:24-29) and the sin with a high hand, sometimes translated as intentional sin (Numbers 15:30). There was no sacrifice in the Old Testament for sins of the high hand. Some have seen a link between the sin with the high hand and the passage in Hebrews 10:26-31, where we are told that those who sin willfully have no more offering for sin, but a certain fearful apprehension of judgment. Notice, however, neither the Hebrews passage nor the Numbers passage state directly that there is no forgiveness for deliberate sins. (For more information on the Hebrews passage, please see Does God Want Me Back?) A conclusion that deliberate sins cannot be forgiven is simply bad theology and is contrary to Scripture.

Jesus taught that all sins that people commit can be forgiven, except for the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31). (For more information on the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, see The Unpardonable Sin). That fact that you are conscious of your sin is a good indication that the Spirit is still at work in your life. Thus, I think it is safe to conclude that you have not committed the one, unforgivable sin. All other sins can be forgiven according to Jesus. The heinous sins of wicked king Manasseh, who caused the people to do more evil than the evil nations that were in the land before Israel, and who though warned by God persisted in his sin (2 Chronicles 33:1-10); even he was forgiven (2 Chronicles 33:12-13). John tells us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (1 John 1:9). There is no exception made for deliberate sin. The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 certainly sinned willfully. Yet, Jesus drives home the point in the parable that when the son returned to his father, he was readily forgiven. We have all been prodigal sons, in need of the forgiveness of the Father. And those who think that they have not sinned deliberately and have no need to return to the Father simply are in error. They are like the older son in the parable of the prodigal son, who though having never gone away, still had a heart that was far from the father’s heart. James says that we all offend in many ways (James 3:2). John says that we all sin (1 John 1:10). There is forgiveness whenever we return to the embrace of the Father.

Some who have thought about the fact that we all sin deliberately have suggested that the focus in the Numbers and Hebrews passage is not simply on the deliberateness of the sin, but on turning one’s back deliberately against God. But again, it is hard to reach that conclusion if one follows the teaching of Scripture. If anyone turned their back on God, it was Manasseh, who had a very godly dad, who was warned by God’s prophets against his sin, and yet deliberately sinned more and more, doing horrific things. If anyone sinned with a high hand, it was wicked king Manasseh. Yet, when he turned to God, God forgave him. I do not know of a person who has not at one time or another knew that God wanted them to do one thing, and they chose not to do it. Is not this deliberately turning one’s back on God? Yet, we all have experienced His incredible mercy and forgiveness.

Your sin will find forgiveness if you turn to God from your sin and seek to serve the living and true God.

However, I think you understand that your sin is a problem. The sin of pornography is not necessarily worse than other sins, but it can be deadly to one’s spiritual health, and it grieves our dear Savior. See our article Addicted to Pornography to understand the problem of this sin and for some Biblical approaches to overcoming this sin.

May the Lord Jesus become the focus of your thoughts, the longing of your heart, and the desire of your eyes. May He forgive, restore, and use you in His great kingdom.

A fellow pilgrim,


Related Content:
Intentional Sin
Can God Ever Forgive Me?
Does God Want Me Back?
Addicted to Pornography

57 thoughts on “Will God Forgive Purposeful Sin?”

  1. Good comment…I have seen this argued both ways and honestly is one reason why “Christians” can unintentionally (maybe) turn others off. Common sense tells me that all sin can be forgiven other than non belief in Christs shed blood. If we could willfully NOT sin then there would have been no reason for a savior. Simplified as stated in the Bible we are conceived in sin so I think we are going to sin wether its by ommission or commission on purpose or not. The thing is Paul talks about “should we sin so grace can abound…no way” I do think that if you commit this temptation to God that you will be supplied with greater success in avoiding the sin. Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved…there are no conditions attached…thankfully for us sinners. :o)

    1. Agreed. One must be self-deceived to argue that intentional sins cannot be forgiven. We all have sinned intentionally. Christ’s death would be meaningless for humanity if intentional sins could not be forgiven. No one could be saved, and if they were saved they would quickly be lost. It reminds me of a person who in his old age thought he had reached sinless perfection, but he still committed the same sins we all did. If intentional sins cannot be forgiven, then those arguing that position are themselves condemned. Redrawing the line between intentional/unintentional sin does not help the cause (1 Corinthians 10:12).

      As for the entanglement with pornography, I agree that going to God is the answer. What I think is critical is not simply to pray when one’s thoughts are being high jacked by sexual desires, but also to submit to righteousness in the moment. Don’t give occasion for the sin. Stay off of the computer, keep porn out of the house and property, do not get in the car, do not take a walk anywhere close to pornography, and in a word “Do not submit your members to sin.” Rather, draw near to God. Victory does not come simply be calling on God, but by submitting to the Father in one’s actions and reforming one’s mind to a focus on the heavenly kingdom. Of course, as you note, prayer is critical in all of this.

  2. Careful here; this is close to giving license to sin and a teaching of the evil one. Can an individual be forgiven for an intentional sin? Scriptually, it would seem so. However there are two cases where this would seem to fail based on other scriptures. The first is when an individual is committed to rebelling against God; that is they are committed to an ongoing sinful lifestyle in rejection of God’s teaching. The second is related and is where an individual confesses the sin, but is not sincerely sorrowful for the sin for “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” and the Word of God is “Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” We cannot fool God. We must in our own walk, try to share the conviction of God’s hatred of sin in our own hearts and the incredible price paid by our Savior. Those who do not earnestly attempt to avoid sin and yet name Christ as Lord and Savior will be asked the prodigal question “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

    1. Is not the first situation you mention exactly the story of Manasseh, the prodigal son, and of Israel itself? I remain awed at the mercy of God when I read passages like Hosea 14, which have moved me away from a position that deliberate and purposeful long-term rejection of God leaves no room for repentance. I have known many people who have firmly and purposefully turned against God for substantial periods of their lives, but who upon returning to Him have found peace and acceptance. When I now see in their lives the same evidence of the Spirit that exists in us, I conclude that the Father indeed rejoices over the return of long-away intentional sinners. Accordingly, I write no person off who is still alive.

      Yet, I agree fully that an insincere repentance is no repentance at all. I also agree that holiness is needed to see the Lord. And I believe those who come to Christ and then turn away deliberately stand in a precarious place. When they refuse to heed the Holy Spirit’s counsel, they may find their heart hardening and not wanting to return. They also should have no confidence of heaven, as Jesus, Paul, and John make clear. Our confidence and seal is the transformed life of an abiding and active Spirit.

      As for giving license to sin, I would say with Paul, “May it never be!” Those who have escaped sin should never seek a return to that bondage. And those who do are both missing the best of abundant life and are piercing themselves with many sorrows. In the big scheme of things, it is our growing love and delight in Christ that is the best antidote to sin. When we love Him, we will keep His commands. I do not give license for sin, but I do proclaim the hope of freedom from sin for anyone who sincerely will repent.

  3. I agree with what you say to a point…but the fact remains you are still forgiven even of purposeful sin. If you read my earlier reply when I stated that Paul said “what…should we sin even more so grace may abound” Paul’s reply is NO…but this doesnt keep Christians from still sinning on purpose or not. God gave the law so we whould know what sin is…not to condemn. No disrespect but some legalistic Christians need to wake up!

  4. Your being foolish…for no one escapes sin until their death and rely on the shed blood of Christ.

    1. Thanks for your comments and for your concern to get this matter right. I would say that no one escapes temptation until death, but we can escape sin. I think Scripture supports a view that we cannot both walk in sin and walk in the Spirit. It is one or the other. If we walk in the Spirit, we are not sinning. If we walk in the flesh, we sin. Every moment of every day we have the choice as to with whom we will walk. When we sin, we make clear to ourselves that we were not walking in the Spirit. But if we walk in the Spirit, we are set free from the bondage of sin. As Paul and John both argue, we who are in Christ are no longer under the power of sin. Sin no longer has dominion over us. However, walking in the Spirit takes diligence, which tends to be in short supply among us humans, and so we sin.

      As I have explained it to some, at any given moment I can be in right relationship with God and walking in the Spirit. As long as I stay close to Christ, abide in Him, and stay in communication with His Spirit, I am not sinning. When I turn away from God and seek to do my own thing, then I sin. But when I repent, then I am restored to a condition of walking righteousness. Progression in the spiritual life is when we lengthen the times we are walking in the Spirit and shorten the time we are walking in the flesh, and therefore sinning.

      I realize not everyone shares the same model of Christian living, but I see nothing in Scripture to support a position that I can both be sinning and pleasing God. If I conclude that I cannot be free from sin here, then I must conclude that I cannot please God here. This is not what I see taught when I read the Word. He has set us free from sin. It is our responsibility to live in that freedom and not become entangled again. This is how I read Scripture.

  5. Respectfully, I understand what your saying, I just dont completely agree with it. I have witnessed this point argued many times and it seems this belief is saying that we can be sinless walking in the spirit. I admittedly know I have walked in the spirit but still have sinned. There is no way we can be sinless in the body in this world. I guess we have to agree to disagree.

    1. I certainly understand your point. Walking in the Spirit does not make us infallible, without mistake, all-knowing, or any such thing. Yet, in seeking to understand Scripture, I find several passages that seem to assume that we can live in freedom from sin, some that appear to state this clearly, and few passages that would support that we can live in righteousness and sin at the same time. I find the Biblical passages convincing. Romans 6:6 states that our co-crucifixion with Christ was for the purpose that we should no longer be under bondage to sin. In verse 12, Paul argues that we should not let sin reign in our bodies. He says in verse 14 that sin shall not have dominion over us. He says in verse 18 that we have been set free from sin. When I read this passage, I conclude that Paul is talking about the practice of sin, not the penalty of sin. He speaks of a freedom from practicing sin. Jesus said in John 8:34 that anyone who practices sin is a slave of sin. Paul argues that we should not yield our bodies to sin. Paul carries this argument forward in chapter 8 explaining that righteousness is fulfilled by those who walk in the Spirit. He makes a big contrast between flesh and Spirit living. He says in Galatians 5:16 that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. In Ephesians 4:20-24 he instructs us to put on the new man which was created in true righteousness and holiness, repeating the same idea in Colossians. In Hebrews 12:1 we are told to lay aside all sin. Peter speaks about those who have ceased from sin (1 Peter 4:1). John writes to us so that we would not sin. But then he states with a third-class condition in the Greek (a less probable future condition) that if we do sin we have an advocate. John certainly does not argue that we are bound to sin, and neither does Paul, Peter, or Christ. In taking these passages to heart, I have found that whenever I sin overtly (to my knowledge), I can always look back and see that my fellowship with the Spirit was not what it should have been. When I am close to the Spirit and seeking the will of God in loving others, I do not struggle with sin. There is a power, energy, and drive to accomplish the work of God. When I try to please God without taking the effort to abide in Christ, I inevitably become frustrated, irritable, and not very loving.

      Accordingly, while I do not claim to have God’s workings fully comprehended, I believe from Scripture that there is freedom from sin offered to us now and that this freedom only comes through a life of faith in step with the Spirit of God. It is the life of His Son lived in and through us.

      I do not accept sinless perfection, that is the idea I can reach a state where I no longer will be tempted by sin. But I think at this moment I can look in my life and say that I have no known sin to confess or say that I have sin to confess. And the condition of my life the next moment may be different, depending on whether I am walking in the power of my own flesh or walking in the Spirit.

      1. Very encouraging message in a Dis- couraging world where walking in the Spirit is opposed .SO we NEED encouraging ” START AGAIN” messages -” Especially ” if we are honest about our ” Thought life” WHEN in the flesh! when TODAYS temptations ARRIVE!Trans formation happens by the RE New all of our MIND & IN the Sprit we are IN The MIND of Christ SO maybe the renew all of the MIND is the DAILY surrendering of ” flesh THOUGHTS ‘AS’ they are NOTICED ,GIVING God SPACE to GIVE us His Power to INCREASE our length of time IN ” The Spirit of HIS mind that is ALLWAYS available & ” maturity ” developing = The POWER of God KEEPS us from returning to the OLD man’s WAY of THINKING due to lack of USE (excersise) by Intention of heart TO God TODAY !

      2. Once we begin to feel good about our ability to walk in the Spirit…and not sin…we get into pride. If I can keep myself from sinning, why do I need Christ? This is a slippery slope for Christians.

  6. Thnx for all comments,i also say that the bible states that we must be filled with the Spirit of God and be imitators of Christ,if our minds are filled with meditation of the word, we cnt commit sin because to be filled Means there’s No Space for anything opposing wht you are filled with!?!

  7. That is just foolishness…if being filled with the spirit of God is all that is required there would have been no reason for Christ to have been sent and sacraficed. In sin you were conceived.

  8. If I am correct Adam and Eve were created sinless and perfect and yet they were able to sin because they possessed free will. They in fact did sin and were given the death sentence as they were warned of prior to sinning. There was no ransom provided for them because as perfect humans there was no reason for them to sin other than a desire to satisfy personal desires. Eve sinned by disobeying her husband and allowing the serpent to deceive her. Adam sinned by disobeying his father and choosing to stay united with Eve. This was prior to having any children which were unable to be born into this world perfect because it was no longer something their parents possessed to pass along to them. Born outside the Garden of Eden with imperfections Adam’s children had a natural inclination to sin that were not due to their own doing. Instead of wiping everyone out God set up a ransom for all born into sin to have a way out but only if they choose it. Therefore we sin but have hope in Christ.

    1. We agree that Christ has paid the ransom and we all have hope in Him if we choose to believe in Christ. But we are of the opinion that this ransom was also available to Adam and Eve, who sinned in disobeying God. According to Romans 5:12-21, the sin and death that we experience is equated with the sin and death of Adam. Even for those who sin in different ways than Adam, there is an equation. If Christ paid for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2), then would that not also include Adam and Eve’s sins? We do not believe that there are any sins left out of the atonement brought by Christ. Accordingly, if Adam and Eve, after their sin in the garden, walked with God, then we believe that they would have found mercy with God. We are not told whether they did or not, so to conclude one way or another would be speculation. But we would not conclude that Christ’s ransom was not available to them. In speaking of the payment for sins, Paul says in Romans 3:25 that God in His forebearance passed over the sins of the those coming before Christ. We think Adam and Eve fall within this statement, just as does Abel, Seth, Noah, and other men and women of old.

      And we find no place in Scripture where Eve’s sin is described as not obeying her husband. What we find is that God told Adam not to eat of the tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil, that Eve knew this command as shown by her interaction with the serpent, and that Eve was deceived (1 Timothy 2:14) and ate. Her sin is therefore a failure to obey God. She fell short of the mark God had set. Scripture does not tell us how Eve knew of the command or whether Adam had given her a separate command not to eat. Thus, though one can speculate that Adam told her not to eat and she ate anyway, thus disobeying Adam, this is not what Scripture tells us. All Scripture tells us is that she knew what God had said and she ate anyway, because she was deceived.

      Nevertheless, we fully agree with you that God gives to each of us a choice to make and goes further and urges us to choose to believe in Christ. As Paul states in 2 Corinthians 5:20, God implores the world through the believers to be reconciled with God.

      May the Lord be with you and guide you in your walk with Him.

      1. While it is true that the scriptures do not directly state that Eve was informed of God’s will concerning eating from the tree it does state that the line of command that God set up was that the woman would be subjected to her husband. There is no scripture showing that God dealt directly with Eve which would explain why Satan would view that as the point of opportunity when introducing his lie. God specifically stated that death would be the result of disobedience. Satan stated that God was lying and that they would not die. The fact that Adam and Eve were brought into this world perfect puts them on a level none of us have. They can’t be lumped in with those born against their will into sin because they deliberately chose to sin.

  9. Helpful. I have been dwelling in deep thought since I came about a punishment for intentional sins. But one thing that baffles me again is that does God understands I mean there are some reason why u do some stuff despite Ure a Christian u just have to take those steps! Does he forgives continually as you indulge in those sins and you intend changing as soon as he give u what by desire?

  10. @Tim
    I totally agree with your response. Thank you for commenting it. I’ve been struggling with pornography as well and thought i was doomed because i sinned willfully. It was an honest mistake. Thank you God bless. but i inform you, i won’t sin willfully again.

  11. Awesome comments and contribution.. But the fact still stands that ”SIN IS SIN” You don’t make it a character by saying bcos God is a merciful God so der4 i have no choice than to offend Him…For the bible says His thoughts are higher than our thoughts even as d heaves to the earth. At the same time God says He have mercy on whom He will have mercy, that means He can decide to destroy you for rebelling against Him, bcos continues and willful sin is rebelling God.. Therefore my brethren i pray and beg you all who read this text that, acknowledge your faults and try to forsake them. I pray God will forgive us and direct our steps in Jesus name. Amen..

  12. This article is so encouraging! I was delivered from porn addiction last fall but fell once a week ago and I’ve been hammered with guilt and doubt. God has been working and truly when we allow Him to work His love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit we can experience redemption as we confess our sin and receive repentance. I believe that there is a difference from sin that is knowingly committed while fighting the conviction of the Holy Spirit and sins of ignorance. I believe if the Holy Spirit unloaded all of our weaknesses on us at once we would be crushed. But praise the Lord the path grows brighter until the perfect day! Let’s not wander of the path but run the race and trust the Holy Spirit day by day. It’s heart work that we need.

  13. my
    ques. is
    After baptized if a personmasturbates once in a week by watching porn or lustfull thoughts..
    will god forgive him or not??
    please help me
    how to quit this addiction

    1. Dear Udit,

      God Forgives , but please ensure post forgiveness are you living a new life , or still gratifying the desires of the flesh.
      It is not easy but it is possible in the name of JESUS. Claim the great promises , and see what great changes come in your life .

  14. If I have to be forgiven for purposeful or intentional sin, why should I hesitate to do what pleases me? As long as I know that I can be forgiven for sexual immorality or for even murder, do I have to hesitate to do it? Thanks for letting me know that I am always forgiven even if I commit the same sin over and over again. Doesn’t that make life wonderful?

    1. Dear Sadiq,

      Greetings in the name of our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. After reading what you wrote all I would like to say to you is this ” you will and can be forgiven for sexual immorality or even for murder, but if you have the thought and intention , and decided to continue this SIN and other SINS and then go back to repentance, are you sure “YOU ARE NOT FOOLING YOURSELF ” a repentant person, is sorry and does not want to go back to SIN, he will flee, he will move away , cause remember “GOD IS WATCHING” our GOD is patient and loving and forgiving but not a GOD who a mere mortal can take for a ride , no one can take GOD for a ride . So i request you, be very careful. In your approach .

  15. Was struggling with masturbation and porn addiction but I dropped masturbation like 4 months ago! But its this porn addiction anytime I watch it, I feel guilty and though I confess my sins to Him I never feel peace,the only way I get my peace back to going out for a public confession of Jesus which I have done time and again, I’m tired of this guilt, I mean is it really necessary I go out for a public confession again, I mean I’m saved already

    1. Dear James,
      Pornography is an area which many youth struggle with , but that is not an excuse or a reason, it is a fact.

      James, the areas that we struggle in is a fight of the Flesh that can be overcome by the SPIRIT of the LORD, we need to submit completely.

      You have to make sincere changes in your life, replace your empty mind by Praying , Thanking , Reading the word of the LORD(THE BIBLE) speak the scriptures when you feel tempted. Move away from the evil wants by going close to the LORD.

      JESUS loves you, and what do we (Humans) do when we LOVE , we want to spend time with that person, talk to that person, think about that person , act for that person .(So …go and SPEND time with the LORD, Read his WORD )
      God Bless You

  16. Thank you Lord for granting me one more chance to read and change my mind. thank you for your gift of forgiveness and for forgiving me.
    dear brethren I just watched some pornographic videos and pictures now, thou I have been struggling with it, but the Lord have indeed delivered me. so as I was saying; immediately I watched it I knew that what I was doing was wrong and I felt guilty. and we were about entering the exam hall. The Spirit of God instructed me to type “please Lord forgive me I have watched porn.” and I typed it, immediately I type it, I saw this site and entered. after reading the question and the inspired answer, my spirit was rekindled and I felt I should confess my sin here openly for people to read and quit porn and other sins because its evil.
    like Tim said ” May the Lord Jesus become the focus of your
    thoughts, the longing of your heart, and the desire of
    your eyes. May He forgive, restore, and use you in
    His great kingdom.
    Thank you JESUS

  17. Somewhere in the world some teenage guy is watching porn and jerking off not caring if God is angry or not,but here we are sorry for going astray,thank you sweet Holy Spirit for conviction and the grace to change and grow in the spirit

  18. I fell into a sin which I had never done before (sexual sin) with another Christian sister whom I intend marrying.When it happened I prayed but after some long weeks I went back.i stopped again and went back after three weeks.I know that sin is not of God and anyone who sins is of the devil as stated in 1John. I really want to turn away from this sin.I won’t justify myself.I yielded to the flesh instead of the Spirit.i have rebelled against God and gone against his word.I just ask for his power to completely obey him and live for him.i just want to confess my sins to my fellow brethren here so I don’t go back to it

  19. I just wanna say that if you read our scriptures daily, pray daily and are obedient you will be blessed and be protected. If you are struggling with sin and in your mind/heart feel disconnected from Jesus Christ i urge you to add fasting from food and drink to the list. Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the world in the garden of gathsemane. He took upon himself the sins of the world and paid thr price for us all. So in oir lord and Christ Jesus we are saved. However we must be baptised by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of the holy ghost. If we repent and sin no more we are clean. It is then that we may be ressurected after death like Jesus and work towards being celestial beings just like our eternal father.

    1. It’s really sad when people think that they are above the justice that God established. The best part of being a son of God is that we know that even if we sin, Jesus had shed his blood to cleanse all sins committed, as the first epistle of John teaches us. The problem is when we lose perception of what sin is and when we put our justice above God’s Word. Matthew 5 may be a shock for many people because it makes clear that the sin is more than what I can do and what I can’t. The old testament is really important to be considered as it precedes the new, but in the new testament we have the will of God revealed through Jesus Christ.

  20. We sinned because we were in the dark and we were forgiven… We sinned again unintentionally and we were forgiven…We sinned intentionally and we were forgiven. Now we are sinning intentionally, will we be forgiven? NOBODY KNOWS. But let’s ask ourselves this simple question: Who will go to Hell and who will go to Paradise? What’s the purpose of the Judgment Day? What made and what will make God destroy the Earth? What does it mean to be a Christian? But l think if we forgive those who sin against us, then God will forgive us, if we can’t forgive then we will never be forgiven.

  21. If the Lord God does not forgive us for intentional sin, then we would all be doomed to the lake of fire.

    Even though God would forgive me for sinning willingly, I still do not want to take the risk of committing intentional sin and thinking that I am going to be forgiven.

  22. I know that 1st…Jesus did say that we are born into sin and have the capability to sin. Now with this statement, we also have the capability, knowing before we do something, to not sin intentionally. If we go ahead and do sin, after we have truly received the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit will grieve. Now to back up a second here, if we do not feel the Holy Spirit within us grieving with intentional sin, since this kind of sin requires thought before actually doing it, there is a strong chance that a person has not yet received the Holy Spirit. From my own experience through my walk with God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit left behind when Jesus ascended to Heaven, I am experiencing the Holy Spirit at work…please try.

  23. I would say that no Christian should want to purposely sin because as a Christian we look to do things pleasing to God not the flesh we are dead to the flesh. In Hebrews does say deliberate it uses the word willful willful and deliberate are synonyms they mean the same thing. You can’t live in habitual sin Galatians 5:21, 1 John 1:5-7 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. There should be repentance.

  24. PLEASE HELP ME!! I’m so worried and scared now, I read this website http://livingbyfaithblog.com/2013/05/02/can-i-deliberately-keep-sinning-and-still-be-forgiven/#comment-163886 and I found the scripture: For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins – now the thing is, I have a love of money, that’s a sin that I battle against, buying lots of clothes. I also watch movies/ tv shows that aren’t Christian like game of thrones. Yet I don’t ask for forgiveness for these sins, so am I no longer forgiven for I am deliberately sinning am I not? That scripture is pretty clear !!!! 🙁 so upset and scared right now, I love God and Jesus so much 🙁

  25. I killed my Dad’s cat and I regret it so much for doing it deliberately! Every day whenever I think of it I feel disgust … I wish I never killed it, Can God forgive me for doing this atrocity?

    1. Talal yes if you repent and ask forgiveness God is faithful and just. (1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.) If you continually sin willfully without true repentance after you know the truth that’s what it’s referring to it habitual sin repeating the same thing over and over as mentioned in Galatians 5:21 those who say they have fellowship with the Lord but walk in darkness 1 John 1:5-7.

  26. Nothing to support what I am going to say but the very first sin was a sexual sin, was it not? It is very strong in most people. Drugs is another one. I do believe we all can stop doing these things but only if we turn it over to the Lord. In other words I can’t keep from committing deliberate sins by myself but through Him I can. I know this fro experience but I also know that if I move away from him for any period of time I will backslide. Nobody is perfect and if we are truly sincere in our faith, we can stop ourselves from committing deliberate sins.

    1. Jt Parker no the first single was not sexual it was eating fruit from the tree that God said not to eat from. Gen 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Gen 3:4-6 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.

  27. Is Jesus not the entire reason and Gods rescue plan from the beginning of all sin bottom line? we are at war with the flesh and in my opinion this is a battle we will have until the day we die weather intentional or not? I agree that we should make every effort and with the help of the holy spirit and christian friends who is there to convict us (and a feeling of guilt is a sure indication that you have Gods spirit within you and that Jesus has your back) Forgive me but the person who wrote the comment in response to Tims answer “But I think at this moment I can look in my life and say that I have no known sin to confess” is delusional and you are in danger of driving people away from the only anchor of the christian faith Jesus.

    1. In this well known scripture which of these two men do you think was forgiven?
      “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
      13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
      Hang on and hang in there to all who struggle with sin, this scripture it has helped me many times, Jesus has dealt with all sin bottom line

  28. We are at war with sin and we wage war on it when we become christian but the simple fact is Jesus died for all sin for all time intentional or not, we all have vices we need to break but I believe this battle is different for all of us and you cant simply say 1 size fits the beauty of Jesus is he meets us where we are at not where we should be and treats us as individuals, the cross defeated all sin for all time bottom line use it against the devil and his lies he is crushed and will use guilt against you. Jesus loves you like a parent for its child. When you understand the great sacrifice he has made for us it will motivate your heart to change, I was once told “live each day in such a way that God can bless you” hope this will help…

  29. Dear all. Please these are my confessions and i you pray with me as well to b completely delivered from porn struggle. Before baptism, i watched porn almost every day, but after baptism, i fled from porn for months. It was so bad that it came to my thought some time but i overcame with this scripture ” but was at all point tempted as we, yet he didn’t sin” i did not know how I use my wicket n evil phone to watch porn. And all hope with Christ n fellowship with holy spirit crippled in my guilt. I pray over and over till my fellowship was restored. After another month i did the same thing,. I prayed again and then stuck on ” should we continue in sin that the grace may abound?” yea God forbids now i watched again.i prayed for

  30. Please pray with me to flee from it completely. I don’t want have sin in me till his return or when in called home. I cannot compromise his kingdom for anything, how to completely kill the porn or looking woman on the street n lust after them. I want to appear blameless unto his coming. I wont go back to this sin again i promise from today on but i want to be assured of forgiveness, my praying life is jeopardized now. Help.

  31. All I know is this: I’d rather be a prostitute inside with Christ eating than a Pharisee hiding behind my hypocrisy outside…

  32. Hi, i have a question? I had recently got saved. I’ve lately been backsliding into presumptuous sin. Planning a night where I drank on more than one occasion. Also masterbating. I also have a problem with idols and covetness. I feel like I am entangled in presumtous sin and can’t be forgiven

  33. Charles backsliding can happen you need to turn back to God. When a person is walking they will continue to walk until they decide to stop once they have they can continue in the same direction or change directions. You choose your walk somethings can be hard to get out of if you truly don’t want to do them you have the strength in Christ to get out of them (Philippines 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.) give all of those things to him. Also having a drink is ok it’s getting drunk that’s warned against.

  34. I have repeatedly saying bad words to god extreme bad words i don’t know intensionally or not but i believe in god and dont want to say m doing this from last 1 year … plz help, is this sin????

  35. Tim..Thanks . If you love me obey my commands and love others more then yourself. Who we worship will be reflected by the fruit of what we practice. ( 1
    John) I am a biblical drug addiction counselor now… but fight against shame of my backslid. Thanks for hard truth.. repentance =…

  36. I don’t know who you are Tim, but the Lord bless you. You raised some interesting points and who knows how many lives the Lord used these points to save.

  37. hello. Good day. Please i am a born again Christian but i am addicted to a lot of things that have destructed from God. i am addicted to sexual immorality (pornography, masturbation sexual adultery, etc.) Please help me. Please pray for me and send me prayer topics to pray. I am a 16 year old boy.

  38. For those already saved Hebrews 10:26 answers it. It appears by the many already saved they will be shocked.

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