This is a poem about rhubarb. Well, not really. You’ll have to read it for yourself to see what it’s about.
I appreciate all the poetry Mike has submitted.
Jesus. The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
A Christian poem about rhubarb. Well . . . not really.
This is a poem about rhubarb. Well, not really. You’ll have to read it for yourself to see what it’s about.
I appreciate all the poetry Mike has submitted.
This poem by Cindy presents a clear illustration of what it means to love and be loved by the Jesus of the Bible.
Poetry speaks to some people . . . not to others. I’ll have to admit it doesn’t move me all that much (most of the time). Regardless of that, the poetry section on this site is growing faster than any other section. It’s also the most visited page on the site. So, apparently, poetry does speak to a lot of people. I have many more poems to post; I’m still way behind. In fact, the one I’ll tell you about in a minute was submitted in April. But it’s the last submission in April, and now I’m into May! I’m hoping to catch up soon. If you’ve submitted anything it’ll show up eventually.
Anyway, the poem I’m introducing today was submitted by Cindy. I love her poetry. She always presents a clear message of what it means to love and be loved by the Jesus of the Bible.
Lacie’s poem reminds us to cultivate a relationship with Jesus Christ – to walk with Him daily as we navigate life.
When pain and sorrow strike, which they will (it’s only a matter of time), we need to rely on Jesus to bring us through. He’s promised that He will always sustain us (Psalm 23:4; John 14:18; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5; 2 Thessalonians 2:16). He, unlike many of us, keeps His word.
But we shouldn’t just call on Him when life overwhelms us. We need to cultivate a relationship with Him; we need to modify our way of living so that He is always in our thoughts and our minds. He will always be with us to comfort us in times of trouble, but He will also guide us in every situation – if we let Him.
The Great Divide – a poem about the most important choice we will ever face – life or death. Which will you choose?
This poem by Cindy (I love Cindy’s poems) sets out the fact that we all have a clear and conscious choice to make. We can choose Jesus, and choose to live, or we can choose to reject Him, and suffer the consequences.
Will you choose life? Or death?
A Christian poem about the defeat of death and the glory that awaits the followers of the Jesus of the Bible.
Tom sent in this poem, well, at the end of February, and I’m just getting to it. So that tells you about my back-log. Sorry . . . if you’ve submitted a poem or a testimony, trust me, it’ll get up here someday.
Anyway, this poem reminds us that one day Jesus will set up His kingdom, gather His own to Him and defeat death. What a glorious day that will be.
Jesus gave His life for us; it’s our reasonable service to give our lives to Him. A poem.
This poem reminds us of the great sacrifice Jesus gave – His very life. And it also reminds us that we aren’t worthy of His gift. So, what should we do about it? We should live for Him – that’s what!
A poem about crying to God in times of trouble. He will never leave or forsake us.
No matter what your circumstances, God will hear your cries for help. Remember, He loves you and He’ll guide you through the fire.
Salvation is offered freely to all. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. God is waiting to transform your life. A poem.
Mike sends in poems once in a while and I don’t post them for about 10 years. So, I’m happy that he continues to send in poems even though I’m so slow at getting them up.
This one, Salvation, really hit home with me. I have already obtained salvation, by the grace of Jesus Christ, but there is still internal strife that needs to be overcome. Sin still crops up. Satan still battles for my soul. Transformation is still necessary for me to grow into the person Jesus wants me to be.
Emily sent in 3 short poems that pack a powerful message of trust and hope.
Here are some poems that have been sitting in the truthsaves repository for some time now (yes, I know, anyone who’s submitted anything has had quite a wait; I’m sorry). Emily sent them in and I think they’re very succinct and pack a powerful message for those willing to hear it.