What does the cross of Jesus Christ mean to you? Check out this poem by Hannah Buchholz.
Category: Poetry
Shaking the Dust — A Christian Poem
I know it’s not Christmas, but I’m going through all my pending items and posting them as I get to them. This poem was next in queue, so here it is. It describes a woman who doggedly ministers to the women of her church, as well as to anyone else she meets. If only I could be so bold.
Into the Harvest — A Christian Poem
It’s easy to get so involved with daily life that we forget that the Spirit of God is alive and well and moving. It’s easy to get complacent and not desire to see the hand of God moving. In fact, at times we forget (or just don’t believe) that God is even capable of working mighty miracles. After all, this is 2013 and things like that just don’t happen.
The Old Man — A Christian Poem
What would you do if Jesus came to YOUR town?
Abide in Me — A Christian Poem
It’s easy to forget that there is always someone to turn to. Someone to cast our cares on. Someone who will give us the living water we so desperately need. Click the link below to read Mike’s poem.
Computer — A Christian Poem
So . . . how often do we use our computers? How well do we know them? The answer, for me, is pretty obvious. I know this computer inside and out. I use it all the time–way too often, in fact.
OK. Now that that’s established, here’s the next question. How often do we read our Bible, God’s manual for us? How well do we know it? When was the last time you picked up your Bible?
Mike’s poem is a good wake-up call. We need to be in the Word.
Sleep — A Christian Poem
You know, if I were Satan, and I knew of a lifeless, dead church, I’d certainly enjoy their suffering. And I might stop in and be entertained by their foolishness once in a while, but my focus would be in other places. I’d zero in on the churches that were strong, and try to tear them apart and bring them down.
Click the link below to read Mike’s latest poem.
Autonomous Man
We humans create our own destinies. We forge our own identities and we have no need of any sort of god. Do we?
Do You Know My Jesus?
This poem describes what Jesus went through on the cross. And it asks an all-important question. Have you given Him your all?
An Invitation from the Master Gardener
Joan’s poem reminds us that God has invited all to come to Him and partake of His goodness. It’s up to us to decide whether or not we want to accept His invitation.