Is the Earth God’s or Satan’s?

Satan claimed to own all the earth’s kingdoms. Jesus didn’t refute that statement. So, does Satan own the world?

Satan tempted Jesus in the desert. He claimed to own all the kingdoms of the world and he offered them to Jesus. Jesus didn’t say, “You don’t own the earth, Satan, so you can’t give it to me.” Based on the fact that Jesus didn’t refute Satan’s claims, some people say that Satan owns the world.

Before we go taking Satan’s word for it, let’s see what Scripture has to say on the topic.

Is the Earth God’s or Satan’s?

In The End

A Christian poem about the defeat of death and the glory that awaits the followers of the Jesus of the Bible.

Tom sent in this poem, well, at the end of February, and I’m just getting to it. So that tells you about my back-log. Sorry . . . if you’ve submitted a poem or a testimony, trust me, it’ll get up here someday.

Anyway, this poem reminds us that one day Jesus will set up His kingdom, gather His own to Him and defeat death. What a glorious day that will be.

In the End

Would a God of Love Really Allow Suffering and send People to Hell?

Could a loving God really allow as much suffering as there is in this world? And would He really send people to hell?

Someone recently wrote in with a classic question that has stumped many for ages.

Why would a God of love allow suffering? Think of all the suffering in this world! People are starving. People are dying of diseases and natural disasters. Innocent people suffer in unbelievable ways.

And what about hell? What sort of a “loving God” would send His “precious subjects” to a horrid place like hell? Would God really do such a thing?

Find out whether we think a loving God and suffering are incompatible.

A Loving God Who Allows Suffering and Sends People to Hell?

Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?

In Numbers we read that people who sinned intentionally were cut off. Will God forgive those who sin willfully?

In Numbers we read that there was no sacrifice for intentional sin. It seems as if a person who sinned intentionally had no hope. Does God forgive intentional sin? Does the Bible say anything else about this?

Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?

Hell & Near-death Experiences

Near-death experiences are real. People have them. Do they reveal anything real to us about the after-life?

Scripture talks about David descending into hell. Did he really go there and see what it was like and then come back? Did David have near-death experiences? Can we take stock in our own near-death experiences or those we hear recounted to us by others? Do they reveal God’s truth about heaven and hell to us?

Hell and Near-death Experiences

A Little Bit About our Website

What’s the point of Who are we? What do we promote? What’s the website about?

We still get quite a few questions on who we are, what we believe, what theology we’re promoting, etc. Typically we try not to talk much about ourselves on this site, because the point is to bring glory to God – not ourselves. But it’s also important that people understand where we’re coming from. So, here’s a little bit of information about the purpose of the website.

About our Website

Salvation – A Christian Poem

Salvation is offered freely to all. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. God is waiting to transform your life. A poem.

Mike sends in poems once in a while and I don’t post them for about 10 years. So, I’m happy that he continues to send in poems even though I’m so slow at getting them up.

This one, Salvation, really hit home with me. I have already obtained salvation, by the grace of Jesus Christ, but there is still internal strife that needs to be overcome. Sin still crops up. Satan still battles for my soul. Transformation is still necessary for me to grow into the person Jesus wants me to be.
