HFCS – Common Food #1

Pouring your kid a bowl of Rice Krispies might not be such a good idea, unless you’re into diabetes and obesity.

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The single most dastardly ingredient to infect our foods since the inception of time. O.K. Maybe I’m exaggerating a little. But maybe not.

This new section of my blog won’t be about the evils of HFCS. It’s going to be a list of all the foods I find containing it. I’ve been watching for a while now and guess what? It’s everywhere. If you’re not careful you could be eating this garbage all the time!

I’ll start out with a classic food that people have been eating since the dawn of time. Rice Krispies. That’s right. On the side of the box, Kellogs lets us know that . . .

A magical day begins with a balanced breakfast . . . cereals are made from a variety of grains which provide carbohydrates for energy. A serving of cereal as part of your breakfast keeps you from running on empty. Plus, you’ll get vitamins and minerals that help you grow up healthy.

They simply fail to mention that this particular cereal will do much to contribute to obesity and diabetes.

So, next time you’re thinking of pouring a bowl of Rice Krispies for your child – think again.

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