Just some Thoughts – Romans 1

I was reading Romans 1 this morning, and verse 16 really struck me.

16For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (ESV)

Am I ashamed of the gospel? Do I take every opportunity to share it when it needs to be shared? Does everyone at work, and everyone I meet, know that I’m a Christian? I need to be more aware of Who I stand for, and make sure that when the day comes, I can stand before the throne and say with confidence that I fully and openly represented the gospel.

One thought on “Just some Thoughts – Romans 1”

  1. Good reminder that this world is only temporary, that we are living for eternity. I like your new blog and the devotional emphasis you’re wanting to use.

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