Ready to Roll

I’ve been trying to figure WordPress out . . . and it’s been taking me a bit of time, but I think I finally have it. So, my weblog begins. I’m not sure what it’s going to turn into, but I would like the readers of truthsaves to understand me a bit better. So, we’ll see what it turns into.

I’d also like to tell you a bit about truthsaves. It started out about ten years ago as an idea. I didn’t know anything about creating websites, so I garnered just the basic information and started putting it together. I hosted it at Crosswinds, a free webhost. I posted articles that I had written, as well as a few articles that friends had written.

I started trying to promote the site, and I worked on linking it up. I never really did a great job, but I started getting a few hits. After a few years, I realized that everything looked a bit unprofessional, so I got a domain name ( and redesigned the site. I worked on promoting it a bit more, but again, my efforts were fairly minimal. Still, traffic increased (slowly). My coding skills had improved (a little) and things were looking pretty good.

During this time, I was trying to get my pastor to write articles for the site. He wrote a few, but not too many. I really wanted more from him, because he was such a great teacher, but I tried not to bother him too much.

Finally, about a year ago, I redesigned the site again, improved the code, tried to get things up to standard (I’m sure it’s still got many problems), started using a stylesheet, etc., and then I put my pastor on as the “Bible Answer Guy.” Questions started rolling in, slowly, and they are still rolling in, slowly, but I had discovered a new format that I liked. When people asked him a question, he felt obligated to give a detailed answer, and I started getting more articles! So, I started posting pages with viewers’ questions, and his answers as the articles.

The site is still small, as websites go, and traffic is still fairly minimal, as internet traffic goes, but I’m getting around 2,000 unique visitors each month from around the world. The site is still growing (albeit very slowly as I have time), but the question and answer format has garnered me quite a few new articles from a man we would all do well to emulate. He is unique to this world; he is, without a doubt, one of God’s intimate friends.

So, enjoy the site, and remember, we’d love to have your testimonies, your articles, and your thoughts to add. It’s not about me sharing what I have, but about all of us sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.

Mr. E.

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