Katherine’s Christian Testimony

Katherine’s testimony reminds us that God has a plan for each and every one of us. It’s up to us to accept His mercy.

Sometimes we live out our lives, knowing fully well God’s mercy has protected us from all sorts of evils and dangers, but we continue to do our own thing and ignore the truth.

God’s mercy is unfailing. He waits for us. He calls to us. But none of us know when our time is done. Death comes like a thief in the night. Don’t wait any longer. God’s calling out to you . . . right now. He’s saying, “I’m here for you. I’ll bless you. I’ll show you a life of fulfillment beyond your wildest imaginations.” You just have to decide. Are you going to accept His gift and live for Him? Or will you choose the temporary pleasures of this life?

Katherine’s Christian Testimony

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